Apr 12, 2012

My hubby is always saying stuff like, "we should just not buy candy or junk food for 2 months and you will loose the weight and not need the surgery"  or "we should just bike ride 15-20 miles every day and cut back on our food and you won't need the surgery".

REALLY??  I am 100+ pounds from my goal weight!!  I have done, we have done his suggestions above and I never lose more than 10-15 pounds and then I get discouraged and the weight creeps back on. 

I tell him that I need this surgery to help me get the best results possible.  I have been very dedicated to eating healthy since November 2011 and I walk 30 minutes everyday at lunch and I have been trying to ride my bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes (when it isn't snowing or nasty outside).  And all I have lost is 9 lbs.  Yes, it is 9 lbs., YAY ME!!  But nothing like it will be after I have my surgery. 

I think I really have his fear of me having WLS.  He loves, loves, loves to eat out.  Well, I do too, but I have been less willing to go out lately.  When we do eat out I make smart choices and usually only eat no more than 1/2 of the meal.  I never realized how large the portions were before, but now YIKES!! 

I know I am making the best decision for me and my children (21, 17, 7, and 4).  I am hoping he might even see how it changes my life and decide to change his bad eating habits too.  (I can't even begin to explain them...too large of portions, then eating the leftovers on the kids plates, then taking a nap right after he eats (every meal), then wanting a snack before bedtime, then getting up in the night for a snack and to watch tv and then fall asleep in front of the tv).  It drives me crazy!! 

Thank goodness my 7 & 4 year old take after me (or am I taking more after them).  I make sure they eat their protien first the veggies and then if there is a potato or bread.  My son will not eat a potato (unless it is a french fry) for anything and when my hubby tries to make him I usually step in and point out he ate his meat and veggie and doesn't need to eat the potato if he doesn't want to. 

What do you think??  Am I out of line??


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Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2012
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