Happy Spring!!

Apr 07, 2010

Hi everyone!  I thought I would update my page since it has been so long.  I see that most of my OH friends that had surgery around the time my husband Dave and I did, are busy living life since their surgeries as well.  I was hard pressed to find an updated profile!  LOL!  That is a good thing in one way though because it means hopefully that they are all doing the things that for years their weight had held them back from doing.  I know that we are on the go all of the time....to the point where every once in a while I think....I hav reto stop this insanity!  LOL!  There is no way to tell all the positive things that have happened to us.  Hardly a day goes by that I don't think or say....I NEVER would have guessed 5 years ago that I would be doing this!

For example, I am now a first time proud Harley Davidson motorcycle owner!  Who would have thought!?!?!?!?  Good grief!  Three years ago I wouldn't have been able to even get myself on the bike, let alone ride it!  The wow moments continue even this long after surgery.  We are now so active and on the go all of the time.  I am pretty sure there is a trail of people that we have left in our dust!  LOL! 

I certainly understand the lack of profile updating after a certain period of time after surgery.  I was telling Dave yesterday though that it would be interesting to see how everyone is doing this far out....what challenges they have at this stage, etc.  For everyone that is pre-surgery or fresh out of.....there are challenges, believe me!  The food temptations never die....the habits are still difficult not to fall back into....it is easy to "justify" that one bite....the adjustments with the people in your lives....etc...etc.  The list goes on and on. 

As big of an advocate that I am of support group, I have not been going anymore.  It was a personal decision on my part to backout of it.  There was not enough (for my personal taste/needs) coverage of pertinent information.  It got to the point where it was the same things month after month and I wasn't gaining anything from it anymore.  The only real benefit was the fellowship with our friends there!  I would have liked to maybe have more speakers on issues/challenges after surgery such as depression, marital challenges, etc.  I was unable to find a group in this area that I thought would address these issues so alas, I no longer attend.  I am sure from time to time I will pop in just to remain in the loop somewhat. 

When Dave and I had out annual follow up visits, they went well.  No issues other than low iron and that really surprized me because I fully expected to get blasted for low protein levels!  I still really bite at doing protein first although the last couple of weeks I have been trying to be conscious of it.  The next thing that I need to get a handle on is carbs.  I can see where my carb intake is slowly creeping up and before it bites me, I want to get it back where it should be.

Well, I have bored myself as well as others long enough.  Please know that you are always welcome to contact me if you have any questions.  [email protected]

Blessings everyone!

August 21, 2009

Aug 21, 2009

Hi everyone!

I seem to be logging into Facebook more these days so feel free to look me up there.

Hope that everyone is doing well.  As evidenced by my Facebook postings Dave and I are on the go constantly and loving living life now!  Who would ever have thunk that all that extra weight was holding us back so much?!??!  Life is AWESOME!!!


July 11, 2009

Jul 11, 2009

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far.  It sure is going by fast!  It is hard to believe it is the middle of July already!  Ugh!

Ok...I now have a pet peeve about the surgery.  I guess I shouldn't and it certainly does help me to stay in check but I am starting to get just a little peeved at family functions having everyone watch every bite that goes into my mouth.  It seems I am under constant scutiny and it is driving me crazy!!!!  My brother is the main one that is doing it and I am about ready to choke him for it.  Is anyone experiencing this?  The very first bite that goes into my mouth...a healthy one at that I might add, and the first words out of his mouth everytime is "So...you are eating more now, huh?"  Well, yes I am....I am 1 1/2 years out and can eat a cup of food.  What is the issue?  Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! 

Ok, now that I have gotten that off my chest....lol!

Dave and I are both doing very well.  We are enjoying life in a way we never thought possible and it saddens me to think of all the time we lost in life being heavy.  We had no idea what all we were really missing!!  Seems that time just flies by and there isn't enough time to do all that we want to do.  Probably not such a bad thing as we certainly couldn't afford to do it all anyway!  LOL!

Well, I am off to try to get something done around the house on one of our few times that we are actually at home and not running.  Enjoy your weekend!


June 12, 2009

Jun 11, 2009

Hi everyone!  Summer is finally here!  Woo-hoo!  Now if it would just quit raining all of the time!

Dave and I are heading out today to the Poconos for a weekend retreat.  We are riding the scooters up and as long as the rain holds off, it looks like it will be a beautiful 3 1/2 hr ride.  Last weekend we were in Baltimore for a wedding and stayed at a hotel in the Inner Harbor.  We spent Sunday walking the harbor and had a wonderful and relaxing time.  We had been there a few years ago and we were constantly commenting how wonderful it was to walk all day and not be tired or winded.  Heck the last time we ended up laying in the grass and taking a nap and we didn't even do a small fraction of the walking we did this trip.  Life is so much more enjoyable now!  Amazing what a 150 pounds loss can do for someone!

We are having so much fun living life that we are struggling to stay home long enough to get the work done around the house that needs to be done.  We have all these things we want to do around the house but can't stay home long enough to get them done.  One thing this surgery is doing for me is helping me see that there is a life out there to be had and lived and somehow the things I used to think were important aren't all that in the big picture.  I am 19 months out from surgery and the wow moments continue coming.  Gotta love it!

Congratulations to Karen for joining us on the loser's bench.  She can't wipe the grin off her face right now but it is nothing compared to what she has in store for her in the future.  It is exciting seeing others coming behind us and knowing what great things are in store for them.  It is unimagineable to them right now...no way they can comprehend it...heck I am still shell shocked most of the time!  LOL! 

Have I ever mentioned just how hard it is to shave under my arms when there is nothing but a big crater there?  I look like such a contortionist trying to shave! 

Well, I must go get ready to leave for the weekend.  Hope you all have a great weekend!

Blessings, Robin

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 24, 2009

Happy Memorial Day Everyone! 

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009

Hello everyone!  I hope that everyone is doing well.  Warmer weather is finally here for the most part and thank goodness for that!  I have been getting a great workout working outdoors shoveling anything it seems...you name it....stones, rocks, pebbles, dirt, mulch....truckload after truckload it seems!  We have been doing some major landscaping work in our yard and we are constantly amazing ourselves that we are even able to do it!  There was a time when all we could do was sit on the porch and think about everything that we wanted to do but now we are actually able to physically do it!  The "wow" moments never seem to end and we are loving it!!   We just returned yesterday from a three day outing to the New Holland Scooter Rally and we had the absolute best time!  It is wonderful to be able to participate in these type of things and not have to worry about how we look on our bikes, etc.  Now I don't run when I see someone with their camera taking pictures!  My life has definitely changed since surgery and there are just not words to encompass describing how great it has been.  I wish that everyone could experience the joy the surgery has brought to my life.    We went to Bermuda for our honeymoon in 2003 and this fall we are planning on taking another cruise there to celebrate Dave turning the big 50.  It will be interesting on how different the two visits are because the first visit was before surgery and now this time it will be post surgery.  One thing for sure...I know we will be moving faster this go round!  LOL!   Not much else to really report as we are just busy living life and enjoying every moment of it.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Enjoy the spring!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Apr 21, 2009

Hi everyone!  I hope this finds everyone doing well.  Everything is going well with me.  There hasn't been much to report, hence no recent posts. 

I missed support group this month because I had invited my Father to come up to go to our church's Easter Drama that evening, totally forgetting it was support group night when I asked him.  Since he hadn't been to our house since my Mom passed away, when I realized the scheduling conflict, I decided it was more important to keep the date with my Dad.  I miss though not seeing everyone at group.  I get more out of the time spent with the people than I do from the guest speaker as a general rule.  Speaking of people at group, congratulations to  fellow OH member and friend "karensaporito" aka Karen for getting her surgery approval this past week from the insurance company!  How awesome is that?!?!?  Woo-hoo!  I am so excited for her!

I survived Easter but it was a lot harder this year than it was last year to be 'good'.  I admit to eating some of those blasted jelly beans!  Ugh!  I finally had to get the candy out of the house because it was that or eat myself into total misery!  I have been hitting the gym three times a week in an attempt to get myself disciplined again.  It sure is harder to burn calories now that the weight is gone.  I use to be able to go and knock off several hundred calories but now it is three times as hard to burn them.  Oh well, I will persevere!

Dave is doing well also.  He also is going to the gym.  We have both taken advantage of the occassional warm days we have by working out in the yard and then also getting in some scooter riding.  Last Saturday I was shoveling landscaping stones along the length of the pool fence and was amazed that I was doing it and not suffering from pain or being out of breath.  I surprised myself in the amount of time that I was able to knock the job out.  Two years ago and I would have thrown in the towel and found someone else to do it!  LOL!  So here I am 17 months out from surgery and still having wow moments!  How awesome is that???
I tan March and April at the gym so that I don't burn when I do get out in the sun come May.  I have been using the stand up tanning booth and I told Dave the other day that I am contemplating doing 5 minutes standing up normally and 5 minutes standing on my head so that all the skin can "shift" so that I can tan evenly.  Ugh! 

ell, until next time, you all take care and have a great week!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mar 24, 2009

Hey, hey, hey!  Hope this finds everyone doing well.  If you are anything like me, you are anxiously awaiting warm weather.  Every once in a while we have one nice day and all it does is make me long for more of it!  We were able to get Dave's scooter out a week ago and hit the road for a ride.  Mine is currently being worked on.  It shouldn't be much longer until the repairs are done and I will be back in business again....well, in conjunction with warmer weather, that is!  LOL!

I have fallen out of the habit of weighing every day.  I have been maintaining around 137 for so many months now that I just hop on once in a great while to make sure I am still hanging in that range.  If a pound or two more shows up I yank myself back in line pretty quickly.  I am liking being thin WAYYYYYYY too much to let it slip between my fingers. 

We are back into going to the gym regularly.  I am sure once it is warmer and we are working in the yard more, we will back off again for awhile but we will see.  I still am going to support group monthly and each time I go I am so glad that I did....more for the connecting with other people.  This months speaker was a bust in my opinion but I guess different strokes for different folks! 

I am still going to Gettysburg weekly to see my Dad.  He is doing well I think since losing my mother.  I don't regret going but I have to admit that it is making getting other things done difficult as I go on Fridays and that is my usual house cleaning day.  Often we go to Gettysburg on Sundays also so that leaves Saturday and we are usually on the go that day so as a result when I get home from work Monday thru Thursday I am not worth much.  I am thinking about backing off of the Friday trips to see if that will help.

I am struggling with the new OH format.  I should be getting used to it by now but alas, I am not.  Am I the only one in these shoes?

I have started tanning again.  I usually tan during March and April so when I do get out in the sun I don't burn.  Heck, at least it makes me THINK warm weather may be around the corner at least!  LOL!

Make no mistake that I am estactic over the bypass and have ZERO regrets.  I would be lying though if I didn't admit some sadness when I have to acknowlege the boobs are long gone.  I have always said that if the weight was gone I wouldn't complain about the side consequences....excess skin, etc.  I guess one doesn't really know til they are actually there because I would just about give my right hand for boobs.  Sigh*  I haven't even bothered to price them because I know we can't afford them but if we ever hit a windfall financially you can bet I will be running to the closest silicone I can find!  LOL!

I really hope that everyone is doing well.  Take care!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jan 22, 2009

Hello everyone!

Well, it has been awhile since I have updated.  Alot has been happening in our lives and I am still trying to come out of the fog.

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday and New Years with our families.  I was so looking forward to what the Ne Year would hold for me.  New Years day we went to Gettysburg and spent the day with my parents.  Then at 4:30 am on Saturday, January 3, we got a phone call that my mother had passed away.  It was unexpected so the shock still hasn't worn off.  From that point on we have been doing what we have to in order to get through.  I am happy that she's been promoted to glory and is no longer suffering.  Her quality of life was going downhill.  So while I am glad for those things, I still can't quite grasp that she is gone.  I am so glad that I returned back to the area in 2001 after 17 years in Texas and had the time with her that I did.  I just plain miss her and I guess it is now in going through the routines of daily life that it seems surreal that she is gone.  It is hard to imagine that this awful feeling in the deep depths of my heart will ever get better.   Her great grandchildren were such a joy to her and that she won't see them grow up just seems to be unfair somehow.  Anyway, she passed away at her home in my father's arms and I can only imagine what he feels as they had been married over 60 years.  I am trying to spend time with him each week and tending to business.  Sigh*

I am sooooo glad that she lived long enough to see me thin.  If you've been with me along this whole journey you will remember that I held off telling her of the decision to have surgery because my weight had always been a sore spot between the two of us.  After she found out she was one of my biggest supporters and was so genuinely happy for Dave and I.  It is my desire to make sure that I stay on track with maintaining my weight as a tribute to her. 

I have avoided the scales at all cost.  I made myself weigh in at the beginning of the year and had gained three pounds over the holidays.  I went from 137 to 140 pounds.  Then with Mother passing away I totally fell off the band wagon.  Finally this morning I forced myself back on the scale and was relieved to see that I was at 138.  I still want to get back to 137 so surely I can knock off that pound in the next week.  Overall in light of everything that has been happening on a personal level, I am lucky that the scales didn't scream I had twenty pounds to drop off!  That would have been a hard pill to swallow!!!

I am sorry that I haven't posted in awhile but I honestly thought about it many times and even signed on to do it but just couldn't bring myself to do it.  I didn't want to post how I was really feeling with everything that was going on and yet I didn't have it in me to be "joyful" so I just avoided updating.  I am sorry. 

I will try to get some recent pictures posted over this next week.  I would love to hear how you all are doing and hopefully now the new year will turn around for me and I can get back to regular postings.

Take care......Robin


December 12, 2008

Dec 12, 2008

Happy Holidays everyone!  I hope that everyone is enjoying the season so far.  It's been busy as usual around here with Christmas preparations...decorating, baking, etc.  There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Sigh*

I stayed off the scale for two weeks after Thanksgiving afraid to get on them.  When I finally got up the gumption to get on, I was pleasantly happy to see that I had not gained anything.  Whew!  Let me say that again, "WHEW"!!!  I think what happened was I kept comparing last year to this year which of course I ate more this year but then again, last year I was three weeks out of surgery.  So I had it in my head that I was off track because I ate more this year.  Sometimes I am just wacky.  I don't know why it took until today for me to figure it out!  I think I do pretty good with my portion sizes.  I am pretty conscious of staying at a cup.  Some things I can't even eat a cup of and other things never seem to fill me up. 

I really miss the watermelon being out of season.  It was a staple for us this summer.  I know it wasn't helping me get the protein in but we sure enjoyed it. 

To all my new friends that are in the process of beginning this journey or have surgery coming up, I want you to know that you are about to embark on the journey of your life.  There are not words to convince you how much your lives will change.  You will truly be a new person.  It is as close to starting a life over as possible and I just encourage you to embrace it and get as much joy out of it as you can!

Merry Christmas Everyone!  Be Blessed!

About Me
Enola, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2007
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Friends 42

Latest Blog 100
December 12, 2008
