Sick as a dog on Xmas and other musings....

Dec 28, 2008

Yall...I had diarrhea and nausea on Christmas Day! I said Oh Lord - is this how I can lose? LOL
 For about 2-3 days I had nothing but ginger ale and saltines....well till last night when I had fajitas....yeah, really! But I was on the potty so much. I got on my scale, which is always at least 4-6# too lite and it read 316.5 so to me that made me 322, which is still down from 326.8 at my consult on 12/5.So tomorrow is my appt with PMRI with the psych and nutritionist. My only fear is that the dietician will want me to go on some 3 month or 6 month diet. I just want to get these appts over with and get a surgery date scheduled.

I am looking into my future and things look so much better!

I'm getting mine in 09! I was listening to Dr. Jamal Bryant last night- awesome sermon--and I loved his message, and I will apply it to my life: Get yours baby and do you!

My bishop prayed over and prohesied to me today for slothfulness and low self-worth to come out of me so I can be set free. I'm no longer going to block my blessing y'all!

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom)
2 Corinthians 3:17

