Wow.....size 18?

Nov 09, 2009

So I have not been posting in months! Have I been a behaving bandster? Hmmm not really! well I just got a fill from a different doc in my practice and boy was it tight. However I see a little progress now. I went to the Avenue with my friend on Sat. to get jeans. I am so used to getting 22's- she says here try an 18. I laugh. But I go to the dressing room and lo and behold those bad boys fit!! I wanted to shout right there! Of course not all 18s fit- like their skinny jean cut 18s didn't fit; but their boot cut ones did and hey--it was the motivation I needed to keep moving. My boyfriend (yes I have one now:-) !) told me today when I get to a 16, he is going to buy me something really special. Now people can see the losses! I have a support group tonight and I'm going just for some encouragement.

Any other bandsters out there? I need some encouragement!

