Has anyone had severe back pain since they have been post-op?

Hello, My husband is about one month post-op and is complaining about severe backaches. He had little backache pre-op but not to the severity he is having now. I dont know if all the years of being overweight has curved his back or what but his back hurts whether standing, sitting, with binder, without binder, i mean all the time and he states it hurts bad....anyone experienced this and if so any help?Thx    — ami B. (posted on December 18, 2001)

December 18, 2001
I also had very sever upper back pain after surgery. I couldn't stand it. I finally went to my chiripractor about 12 days after surgery and after about threee visits he got the pain under control. My chiropractor said that there is a correllation between the stomach and the upper back which is why he felt my upper back was so sore after the surgery. Hope this helps.
   — Denise M.

December 18, 2001
My surgeon's nurse practitioner said the upper back pain is caused by losing so much weight so rapidly. She said your center of gravity changes drastically. She suggested taking Tylenol and using a heating pad at night. And also doing some back strengthening exercises. I can't find any that are targeted at the upper back though...the ones I've found (online) are aimed at helping the lower back. Good luck to your hubby.
   — [Anonymous]

December 18, 2001
I used to go to the chiropractor once a week and go for massage therapy every two weeks. I went for a massage and an adjustment the day before surgery. I am now 6 days post-op and my lower and mid back are killing me. I called my chiro and he said that I have to keep drinking water cause it'll help flush out any toxins from surgery. Even my mom has noticed that when she doesn't drink enough water, her back hurts. I also think that it's because of all the sitting and sleeping that I've been doing. I'm used to sleeping on my stomach. I am too scared to try so I've been on my back. I have this spot above my butt that is now just numb. When I lie down, I'm on this spot. When I sit up, I'm fine, but as soon as I slink down a little, I'm on the spot. I get up and walk but not as much as I'm sitting or sleeping. I just can't wait to sleep on my stomach!
   — tmrivas

December 18, 2001
I had real bad upper back pain for about 2 weeks post-op. I think mine was from 'protecting' my incisions by slouching a little. Standing straight up caused more pain in the incision area, so when I walked around, it was not with the best posture. Mine did get better when I started standing straight up. But that was my experience, it could be that or something totally different. I hope he feels better soon!
   — Cheri M.

December 18, 2001
All the reasons mentioned can cause the pain along with how we are strapped down during surgery. I STILL have back pain, at first from the big loss and now because I am more active. Its better than it was and I have been told it will eventually go away. My surgeon perscribed Celebrex at a month or to out, I didnt get it filled because it was getting better.
   — bob-haller

January 20, 2002
I am approaching 2 weeks post op. Called my doctor this weekend asking about my back pain...She said if I experienced back pain before surgery (I had occasional bouts with it), it's likely that laying in bed and sitting a lot will cause an episode with my back. I'm trying to walk around a lot - seems to help. I think too, that my stomach muscles (now cut) probably carried some of the burden that my back now carries. I see my doctor again tomorrow and will let you know if I get any real advise. Take care and hope your husband is doing better soon.
   — Shelly L.

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