What is insulin resistance and what are the symptoms& treatment?

   — Candace F. (posted on February 27, 2002)

February 27, 2002
I have insulin resistance from having PCOS. In my case..I have no symptoms other than slightly elavated blood sugars, my doctor told me it is a "pre-diabetic" state and continuing like I am I will have diabetes in 5-10 years....And to "lose weight" the standard answer for everything when you are fat!! ;-)but that actually is the key to controling it. See your dr. they may want to put you on Metaformin or something else for it! Insulin resistance also makes it easier for you to put on the pounds and harder to take it off!!! Yippy :-( NOT!
   — Allie A.

February 27, 2002
Insulin resistance means your body is probably making a LOT of insulin, but your blood cells can't receive it and use it the way they're supposed to. Unfortunately, there often aren't any symptoms. Treatment is usually losing weight and exercising. Once you've had your surgery and start losing weight, it will probably diminish greatly.
   — garw

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