After RNY, does your regular stomach ever get hungry?

I know this is probably a stupid question, but I was wondering if those of you who are post-op ever experience hunger in your REGULAR stomach? I know that the small pouch will mean you feel satisfied with a small amount of food. But what about the regular stomach? They don't remove it, so can it still experience hunger? I'm having surgery in three weeks and just need some reassurance that I'm not going to starve for the rest of my life.    — Kristie B. (posted on April 16, 2002)

April 15, 2002
I don't even know it is there!!
   — Rose A.

April 15, 2002
NO, I'm transected but i doubt that makes a difference. I haven't felt any real hunger since I had the surgery.
   — Candace F.

April 15, 2002
I do! I feel hunger in the same way in the same place I always did...but luckily a smaller volume of food going to my small pouch eases the sensations in my belly. I am transected as well. -Kim open RNY 7/17 -102
   — KimBo36

April 15, 2002
They cut the nerves to your old stomach, so you dont feel real hungar any more.
   — bob-haller

April 16, 2002
I don't know about the old stomach but I have had hunger so bad that I'm wondering if the RNY is going to keep the 70% weight off I have lost. I'm seeing a dietian and I have gained around 5 pounds in a week. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel that I will have to stave... at least I feel VERY deprived in trying to eat smaller amounts of food. It DOES NOT satisfy anymore.
   — Danmark

April 16, 2002
I am transected too, like Candace, my pouch has growled but I haven't felt any hunger pains. I am only 7 months out... that 'might' be something that 'could' happen later on but I don't 'feel' that it will :)
   — DonnaCarol

April 16, 2002
I'm 16 months post RNY and I do feel hunger. It seems like it comes from the same place as it used to, however, even though I feel as hungry as I used to, it takes MUCH, MUCH less food to satisfy me. I definitely have to slow down so I don't eat that "one bite too many." So even though you may get hungry, I don't think that you will necessarily feel deprived. I know I don't! Good luck. Maria
   — Maria H.

April 16, 2002
I don't know about the old stomach and hunger pains. How would we know if it were the old stomach or the new one? However, I make it a point to carry around crackers or peppermint(the sugar in one piece has never made me sick, but try with caution, for if I allow myself to get hungry, I'll get sick after I eat. I don't know why, I've been this way since day one. It may be that my mind goes back to the days of yester years, and I eat too much for my small stomach, but it's not a pleasant feeling. Hopes this helps someone.
   — Tammy W.

April 16, 2002
I asked this very question at my pre-op information seminar. Everybody laughed, excet the surgeon. I do feel hunger pains where my stomach is. The surgeon explained it this way: The new pouch is made from the top of the old stomach. When the nerves in the pouch feel the food, the "old" stomach still gets that signal and stops feeling hungry. This made sense to me. If you think about it, the hungry feelings and the full feelings have always been felt in different spots of the abdomen.
   — Danielle M.

April 16, 2002
I'm almost 3 months post-op. Then only time I even knew that my "old" stomach was even there was when I was cooking some onions and garlic for the family's main course. All of a sudden my "old" stomach started growling! It was so loud that even my husband heard it. As soon as the pan came off the stove, the growling stopped. However, I have never had a hunger sensation. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Frances B.

April 18, 2002
I had lap RNY on 3/8/02. For 2 weeks I could have cared less about eating. This past week, I am starving all the time. I don't know if it is the old stomach or the new pouch but something is growling. It only takes a bite or two to fill it up and satisfy me but 20 minutes later I am starving again. I am finding it hard to get all the water in and not eat or drink together and then get all the vitamins and other meds in. I need a pep talk. Does your body get used to feeling hungry? It isn't in my head. My stomach/pouch is growling. It is doing it right now as a matter of fact. I'm not disappointed in the surgery. I'm down 30 pounds already. I was just wondering what the hunger was all about myself. Good luck on your surgery. You will feel better every day!
   — Dana D.

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