I wanted to know would my surgery be cancelled if I started my menstral cycle the day

b4 my surgery ?    — chocolatlatina B. (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
hi...your surgery will not be cancelled due to menstruating. I had my period on the day of my surgery and everyone involved was very understanding and made me feel very comfortable...Good luck!!!! Carolyn:-)
   — jordanbella

January 16, 2003
Very embarissing but just to shed light on my experience, I started my cycle a couple days before so when I went in for preop the nurse gave me a gown and I asked her if I could keep my pad on until right before going into the procedure because I knew it could take awhile once I was prepped to actually start. She gave me some "antiaxiety" medicine and I remember before the medicine telling her not to forget to take the pad before going into the surgical room. It was bad enough that I was mensturating - I didn't want things worse for the poor nurse that was going to put my urine catheter in to have to remove my pad too. But I remembered to remove it even though she didn't ( not like they are real concerned with that out of all the other things to be done ) I discussed with the nurse that I was hoping not to be on the cycle during surgery because of the hygiene perspective and she did bring it to my attention that the majority of women start early due to the invasive surgery anyways. And unfortunatly I followed the majority that bleed longer than normal for almost a month after surgery then not having a cycle for almost 3 months Go figure But all in all there is no harm no reason the worry about it I guarentee they won't cancel because of a menstural cycle in itself. Good Luck
   — Rebecca B.

January 16, 2003
I got my period the day before surgery and it did not make a difference. I just felt a little blotted the next few days but i don't know if it had much to do with that. The dr thinks so good luck. nancy
   — Nancy D.

January 16, 2003
Be sure to let them know...and do NOT wear a tampon. Good luck!~
   — Sassy M.

January 16, 2003
It's not a problem at all. I had my period that day and I knew I would b/c I'm on birth control. I actually wore my underwear into the surgery room, i have no idea if they took them off or what happened, but it went fine. From what I hear if you don't get your period before, you're most likely going to get it right after. I think the trauma of the surgery makes our bodies an dhormones get out of whack, b/c I had an ulcer surgery recently and immediately got my period for over a week, even though I wasn't due for it. Just be sure to let them know. Congrats on your upcoming surgery!
   — Lezlie Y.

January 16, 2003
I don't know what it is but something about surgery says come on pms..Haha..I have had 11 surgeries and I probably started my period with 10 of them. Can't take that thing anywhere, it will act up every time!! Good luck and don't worry about your period. The drs and nurses certainly won't.
   — Sharon1964

January 17, 2003
I was on mine during surgery. I wore my undies until they took me to surgery and I made sure they knew about it. I told the nurses and the7y told the OR nurses and everything was fine. Good luck with your surgery. Mine was 10-31-02 down 49 lbs
   — Farrah M.

January 21, 2003
Mine started about a 1/2 hour prior to surgery while I was in prep. Don't worry they will not cancel your surgery. In fact the nurses told me that it is completely normal and sometimes stress of surgery actually throws you into your cycle. Good Luck!!
   — stacjean

January 21, 2003
I've had many surgeries and never had this problem. How you ask? Go to your OB/GYN and ask for Provera about 3 weeks before surgery and explain your situation. You take the pills for say 5 days and magically your period appears early or if you just stay on the pills through the surgery and then stop them magically your period appears
   — smmeow

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