I am nine days out and I have only had one bowel movement since the day of my surgery

Is this normal? I had to take Milk of Magnesia to help me out four days out, and I took some today but nothing so far. I am still experiencing some pain in my lower back and under and incision in my stomach. What would you guys suggest? And should I just start taking Milk of Magnesia regularly? Sorry for the gross topic, but I need to know.    — Red T. (posted on February 16, 2003)

February 15, 2003
I didn't go for 2 weeks after my open RNY last July. I was on liquids for 2 weeks after my surgery (and had been on liquids for 2 days prior to surgery along with a bowel prep) so there wasn't any volume there to make me go. I used no laxatives to make me go and when there was enough in my body to make me go (after I graduated to pureed foods), I went *VBG*... <p> Now, seven months out, I go on the average of every other day (sometimes more often, sometimes less). It all depends on how much roughage I get in my system. They tend to be soft, but no diarrhea or constipation (which I had had fun with pre-op with my Irritable Bowel Syndrome - which is no more)....JR (open RNY 07/17 -152 lbs)
   — John Rushton

February 15, 2003
You literally have nothing in your system to get rid of! Right now, it is more important that you urinate regularly. Otherwise, it could be a sign of dehydration. I am 15 months out now and eat regularly and "go" regularly. When I was first post op, I was happen to go every three to four days and that was even after I was moved beyond soft foods.
   — Julie S.

February 15, 2003
Hi, I had the same problem in the beginning. It drove me crazy. I always felt I was bloated and full. Even if I had a small bm. What I did buy was PRUNE JUICE, This worked for me. At first I dranked so much I ran all day long lol lol. But the next time I drank a cup or less and was ok. I keep Prune juice in my refrig at all time. And I'm happy I don't have a BM problem any longer. Hope this help.
   — Naes Wls J.

February 15, 2003
Just goes to show you how unnormal my body has always been. 4 days post-op the gates opened. Diahria at first but then settled out, but quite a few times a day - and that was on jello and broth. I kept thinking how do you produce stool on jello. LOL <p>When I started with solid food the diahria came back with a venegence for almost 3 days but is finally steeling down. Now most of the time things are formed but I still go 2-3 times a day. Blows my mind because I eat so little food, but that's just my constitution I guess. <p>Some sort of fiber supplement would probably be good until you get things regulated. Benefiber is supposed to be pretty good and mixes in water. I used to use Metamucil and didn't have a problem with the taste or thickness because I mixed it in very cold water - that really is the secret with that product.
   — zoedogcbr

February 15, 2003
I went at least 10 days without a bm. I started doing 4oz of prune juice and it got me started. I stopped using it and now I'm only going every 4-5 days.
   — Susan F.

February 16, 2003
Red, You still have a way to go. It took me a good month and then some to get a bowel movement. Because our bodies are hardly getting anything in, they figure, "What's to poop?" So we do not. In time things will change. Good luck to you.
   — Regina C.

February 17, 2003
I took orange-flavored Citrucell sugar free for the first 2 months to stay regular and avoid constipation. Now I don't need it, but highly recommend it for beginning. Even now, sometimes I'll take a glass of it. Tastes OK and took care of the constipation pain. Just mix the powder with VERY cold water and drink right away before it starts to thicken up.
   — Kathy J.

February 18, 2003
I went through the same thing. Are you still taking pain meds? If so, thats what slowed me down. Once I stopped them I started "going" again. During that time though I used Duralax suppositories. For some reason oral meds didnt work for me either, but the Duralax was very reliable. I used it once every 3-4 days. Good luck!
   — Jennifer J.

February 18, 2003
Hi, I am almost 5 weeks post-op from Lap Rny myself and I also did not go to the bathroom for about nine days. I took Milk of Mag. and it did not work the first night, my stomach and back only hurt like what you explain. I then took more the next day around noon, and within an hour I was able to go to the bathroom alot. I cleaned myself out. Then 6 days later I still had not gone on my own, had to take MOM again this time it worked first time within about 3 hours. I have to take that every week, if I do not my body hurts and will eventually force a bowel movement around every 6 or 7 days. I recommend chewing FiberCon sugar free tablets as directed by your dr. this helps to regulate it somewhat. So far I have to rely on MOM or a forced movement. You are perfectly normal. Good Luck
   — christy B.

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