Card Carrying Post-op/Eating Out

I have heard someone mention...their Dr. giving them a card that states they have had Weight Loss Surgery and should be allowed to order a "Child's Portion" off of there menu. Has anyone else been given this card???? Do resturants accept it??? How do you ask your Dr. for one???? One more thing...since I'm on a roll....what about the medical ID bracelets??? A must have??? Thanks Lovin, Darlene    — Darlene B. (posted on April 11, 2003)

April 11, 2003
My Dr. gave me a card after I asked for one. Some resturants honor it. Most let you order off of the childrens menu anyway. I use it when we go to buffets. I hate eating at them because I feel like it such a waste of money because they wont let us share a plate. They give me a childs price. It helps but you have to tell them what the card is for because they won't read it, and will ususally have to ask the manager. Just ask your Dr. if he has a card for eating out. If not make up something and have him sign it.
   — Lora T.

April 11, 2003
Hi, our doctors (Cleveland Center for Bariatric Surgery) gave us cards for restaurants. I have not had to use it yet (I just ask for half portions, and so far, they've all seemed fine with it). However, even half portions are too much still; I end up taking a lot home for left-overs. Re: ID bracelets. CCBS also gave us medical alert cards to carry in our wallets; I had a bracelet, but lost it, and haven't felt the need to replace it. I don't personally know any post-ops who wear one, but I'd also be interested to know how many post-ops DO wear one...
   — johanniter

April 11, 2003
Hey Darlene! I'm a card carrying Postie myself! I had my surgery on Nov. 15th and just recently asked my surgeon about the restaurant cards (once I discovered their existence on this site). Since obtaining my card, I typically order from the children's menu or senior's menu. All the restaurant staff I've been in contact with, since obtaining my card, have just been great! Also, having the card and letting your wait staff read it explains why you do not order drinks with your meals, so it makes your dinner much more enjoyable (since you're not telling them every 5 minutes that you don't want something to drink). I just called my surgeon's office and asked them if they had a restaurant card available and what I needed to do to obtain one! Good Luck!
   — Dena C.

April 11, 2003
My Dr. gave me a card before I ever left the hospital. I have only used it a couple of times and they didn't seem to have a problem with giving me a childs plate. However, I sometimes like to order regular portions, that way I can bring the leftovers home and have another 2 or 3 meals out of it. I would ask my Dr. for one. Good luck to you. 02/24/03 LAP/RNY down 44 lbs.
   — Kathie W.

April 11, 2003
my doctor also gave me a card at my final pre op appointment. some places honor it but where i live hometown buffet WILL NOT. kimberly open distal bypass 11/12/02 -80lbs
   — kimberly T.

April 11, 2003
I've never used the card...I either order an appetizer or a regular meal (and bring home a doggie bag). The restaurants didn't charge me double on a buffet when I ate more than a normal person would. Why should I expect them to charge me half-price because I can only eat a little. JR
   — John Rushton

April 11, 2003
Darlene, some surgeons give them out. I never used them, never felt the need. I either ordered an appetizer (still too much food anyway) or a dinner and just take everything home. Also, about the ID bracelet, my surgeon said it wasn't necessary. Some feel better about it, but I've asked paramedics and some don't even check for them sometimes if its extreme emergency, not saying that's a good thing, just mentioning. Also, I have been in ambulance, ER and done scopes, etc. since then and been ok without the bracelet. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 11, 2003
Here are some you can print out
   — Mona R.

April 11, 2003
Hi Darlene! I too have a card I carry around. And like the other posts on this page I've maybe used it a couple of times.....but generally there is only one place I will go and have the kids menu because if I don't and do an appetizer or regular meal I'll have enough food for me for a YEAR!!...LOL. More seriously, I'll only use the card when the need really comes up for it. As far as the bracelet goes, well I wear one ALL the time. Should I have an accident or have to be taken to an emergency room unconscience.....well....they'll know not to put an NG tube down me without care. An emergency care physician not knowing that someone had gastric bypass and placing an NG tube or any tubes down their throats for that matter could puncture the new pouch. The call is totally yours, but like I said I wear mine! I have a few links on my site at that bottom of my page that will take you to some that are a little pricy if you aren't worried about cost....and there is also a site I have there for less expensive (ok so one's that cost $4.95 I think) there too. Best of luck to you! Open RNY 8/20/02 -130!
   — Carole M.

April 12, 2003
My surgeon gave us the card at a group nutrition counselling session. I haven't used it, I just order appetizer or main dish and bring home extras-- after my husband has grazed first! <br> As far as bracelets: I had a medic alert bracelet, but it kept bumping into my watch. So, instead I got a medic alert charm and attached it to my watch. It looks very nice; I've gotten some complements from women who thought it was part of my watch! The charm is large enough to alert, it also says roux-en-y gastric bypass on the back.
   — Beth S.

April 12, 2003
I have a card I got from my surgeon's office. I have only used it for ordering a couple of times. The neat thing is that they put a really nice drawing of how the plumbing is changed and re-routed on the back of the card, and I have used it more to show people what was done. It has really come in handy when talking to people who might be interested in having surgery.
   — koogy

April 12, 2003
I've only had the card for 2 weeks, but from what I've seen, the kids menu choices do not look that good. I would rather have something good (for several meals)! Usually the same menu everywhere - Corn dog w/fries, hamburger - meat and bread only and fries, fried chicken strips and fries, pizza ........
   — Sandy T.

April 13, 2003
I have a card, but I've never used it. I can't imagine why anyone would.. as someone said -- choices on the kids menu are for kids, not adults and they're not great for kids either. I order things that are very low in carbs, often asking them to leave the rice, or potato off. I don't order pasta dishes ... and I don't order an appetizer but I might have a bite. If Offered, I even have a bite or two of dessert -- not often. I take food home all the time and sometimes end up with two more meals, depending on what I've ordered. I don't have the medical ID bracelet, it would make me crazy.
   — Lisa C.

April 13, 2003
Just remember that restaurants are under NO obligation to honor the card. Some will, but they don't have to. I'm with the others. When I go out to eat, it's for the company, not the food. I'll order from the regular menu and take home the leftovers. I've even eaten at buffets a few times and don't eat much when I do go to one, but I don't really care. If that's where my friends want to go, then that's where we'll go. As far as a medic alert type of bracelet, it is highly unlikely that emergency personnel would put an NG tube in you. A breathing tube, maybe, but that doesn't go down into your stomach. I use one, but it's because I have type 1 diabetes, not because I've had gastric bypass.
   — garw

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