Calcium Citrate- Can I dissolve and add to drink?

I bought the Walgreens equivalent to Citracal Plus w/ magnesium and Citracal +D. Is it OK to dissolve these and add them to a beverage? I can swallow them but they make me too full and kinda sick feeling. They don't indicate being time released or anything like that.    — Metal Girl (posted on October 18, 2003)

October 18, 2003
I'm not sure about the caplets....I used to open my capsules, and put the calcium into my protein shake.... maybe you could buy a pill crusher and do the same?
   — Kelly B.

October 18, 2003
I disolve mine(either citrical +d or a generic calcium citrate+D) in a small amount of water and then mix with 2 oz of SF yogurt. I can still detect a texture but no taste. My nutritionist said this was good and much better than feeling uncomfortable from the LARGE caplets. also sells powder calcium citrate that also has no taste and no strange texture. You can even mix it in hot beverages! I had a sample and really like it but my order has not come in yet so I still disolve. Good Luck!
   — dianekoch

October 18, 2003
just add then to your water that you drink.
   — barbara A.

October 19, 2003
Thanks for all your answers :) These Walgreen's calcuim pills dissolve super fast.. under a minute.
   — Metal Girl

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