My cycles are so irregular now, will that cause weight gain?

Since the beginning of the year, my mentrual cycle has been way off. One time it lasted 4 months, went to the gyn, tried everthing, ended up on the depo shot. I was due for my shot in Oct. but due to an extreme family emergency, I missed the window to have the depo shot. My cycle stated in the 3rd week of November, lasted for 3 weeks, and has not been on since. I feel extra bloated all the time, extra gasy, and have put on 10 pounds. Has anyone experienced this problem? or Can you actually gain 10 lbs within 3 weeks and it is from water weight gain, and constipation? I need some help, and answers. I do have a gyn appt scheduled for this month, but this is driving me extremely nuts.... Please give some advice...    — davia.p (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 30, 2003
I too was put on the depo shot - just to keep from getting pregnant. Well, I had the shot three time which is over the course of 9 months. During that time I gained 60 lbs. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was eating semi ok. But not bad. I don't really weigh myself so I didn't notice it right away. When I did I had already gained 40 lbs. Went to my NEW OB and told her what I was doing what was going on and asked why I was gaining this weight. She told me it was because of the shot and she will not give it to her patients because of that reason. I hate that shot I would not have gained the weight if it wasn't for that. Anyway, I do hope this helps.
   — Virginia D.

December 30, 2003
I never gained a pound from the Depo shot, so take that for what you may. I started it as a pre-op and took it as a post op too. Never a weight problem at all. I assume (because I assume you are post op) your cycles are irregular because of the estrogen levels in your body not being regular due to extreme weight loss. This is very common. If you're not post op- I'd get it looked into further. I would be concerned about gaining 10 lbs in 3 weeks too. But yes, it's possible, through water retention and constipation to gain that. If you are post-op, I'd be very concerned and speak to my surgeon immediately. You might want to think about switching to a different BC method, but, you probably have already thought of that! Good luck to you!

December 30, 2003
All of the things you mention could account for 10 lbs, especially the constipation. I know when things aren't moving for me I feel 10 lbs heavier even if I am not. Your hormones are all messed up from surgery, the changes occuring and then the short stint on Depo. They could have given you your shot late, all they had to do was run a pregnancy test first. <p>I've been on Depo since 1995 and have not gained one lb that I can attribute to the Depo. I am almost 11 months PO and the weight has come off very nicely so it definitely has not been a deterrent to WL. Usually it does take about a year for things to settle down into a pattern with Depo also. It's not an instant result, other than from a BC standpoint. <p>I just had my tubes tied last week but will be staying on the Depo in order to keep the hormones in line. My body has never worked like it should. I wanted extra assurance of not getting pregnant so I got the tubal. I don't totally trust the Depo because of my wacko body. Then again I'm paranoid of getting pregnant at almost 43. LOL Depending on where you are in your WL there may be other options available to you for BC. Just don't rely totally on BCP's as way too many WLS patients end up pregnant before they should from BCP failure. If you aren't interested in having children any time soon then I'd go back to the Depo and give it a year to see how things settle out. Also do something to get the bowel moving on a regular basis. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

December 31, 2003
I thank you for all of your suggestions and comforting answers. I did have my pcp give me some water pills to relieve some of the bloated feeling. No I have to work on the feeling of constipation. And I wish I would have known that all the GYN doc had to do was run a pregnancy test. That probably would have saved me from all of this mess. Oh btw I dropped 5 of the 10 pounds... Thank you again. I have notice with this surgery, that for the most part, women who had reqular cycles are now irregular, and women that were irregular no have their cycles like clockwork. Go figure!!!!???
   — davia.p

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