Personal goals as important as weight goals:

It's 13 months since WLS. I'm losing slow. I've tried everything. Excersize, returning to basics. But, I know I can do more excersize. I'm happy though. I feel good about me. I love my new job, and am well liked. I'm getting a promotion of sorts. Moving to a different dept. I love shopping now. I do buy myself something new every week or 2. I'm always needing new clothes. I figure I have a lot of catching up to do. And there are so many "looks" out there that I LOVE!!! And now I can where some of them, not all, but, some. I love jeans, capris, even wearing skirts. Dressing with a lot more style, from casual to sexy. I'm wearing heals now too. Never thought that would happen. I know I'm not at my goal weight yet but, Ya know, I'm happy. I'm healthy. My husband and I are more romantic than ever. If I never lost another pound ( or gained either. lol) I'd still be happy with my progress. I wanted to be normal. Dress normal. Live normal. Eat normal. And that's just what I'm doing. I'm living my life for the first time, not just sitting and watching it go by. So, if I stay at this weight, I feel that I have succeeded in my personal goal if not my weight goal. And that's more important to me at this time. I still have a lifetime of work ahead of me but, I've come this far, there's nothing in this world that would get me back to 300lbs. The hard work is well worth it!!!!!! Thanks you for listening. LAP RNY 5/15/03 down 123 Lbs. :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on June 15, 2004)

June 15, 2004
Kelly Jean, Your personals goals are more important that attaining that perfect weight. You have already crossed into a healthy weight range. Being healthy and happy about where you are will go a long way in helping you to maintain long term. Sometimes people get to their goal weight but spend the rest of their life agonizing over every morsel of food so as not to gain a lb. To me that is not living. <p>I set a very realistic goal weight, 200 lbs. It was a weight both myself and my WL surgeon felt was doable and a good weight for me based on my build etc. Ultimately he said 180 at the lowest would be awesome, but if I never got below even 220 I'd be so much healthier. Reaching 200 moved me into the overweight BMI categeory, which is all I strive to achieve. To reach the normal BMI range I would have to get into the loq 160's and that's not a size I feel comfortable attaining. I float in the low to mid 190's, at least I did before this most recent PS in which I am carrying tons of fluid from. I have one more PS on my legs in Nov and I suspect when everything settles down I will end up in the mid 180's. I am very happy with the size I am and that I can basically wear anything, including a sheath style dress since my LBL, which I have never been able to wear. I get a much bigger kick out of the clothes I can wear than the number on the scale truthfully. The scale, for me, will help monitor what is going on, but it will not drive my life. It's not worth it to me. <p>You sound so very happy and that is all that matters! If your body feels it needs to be smaller it will find it's way there. If not, then you are fine with where you are. The truth may be that your goal weight wasn't realistic for you and your body and your lifestyle in the first place. Go with your heart and enjoy your new healthy life!
   — zoedogcbr

June 15, 2004
Hi Kelly Jean, I hear what our saying . . . I have only lost about 112 and should be down the same as they said for you . . . but I am so happy with me and . . . I know longer have sleep apnea, high BP, High cholesteral and I am off all medication. I am thrilled! Health was always my fist goal! Sure I hope to lose more . . . but I am still happy too even if I don't! Good luck to you . . . Michele :) 6/6/03 RNY 112
   — Michele D.

June 15, 2004
Congratulations to you.......I think you have the answers figures out! I started out at 276 and am at 162 and, although I hope to get to about 145 to be in the normal weight range, if I don't I know I can be happy where I am for the rest of my life. I can keep up with those wonderful grandkids, I can sit on the floor and play with them, I can fit in my recliner with one of them sitting on each side of me, we can walk together and play in the pool together, and on and on and on...........and best of all, I feel like I'm living life for the first time ever too! I feel normal, I look normal, and I thank God for getting me to this point. Again, congrats and keep on living!
   — scbabe

June 16, 2004
Kelly Jean, you look wonderful, and have done so good, the first year is so exciting, then the hard work starts, at least it did for me, we see so many changes in our bodies, but never forget to stay with the program, protein, water, exercise etc, I have seen too many of my friends start to play around with the carbs etc and gain some then wrestle with that all the time. It is the most wonderful tool in the world if it is used right. I thank goodness have never drank pop since the surgery, wasn't addicted to it, but sweets can be a real downfall, and carbs for me, I can't have them in the house. I try to live a normal life, eat as normal as possible, but I know for me I still a addictive personality and the surgery didn't change my head, and I have to watch my intake everyday. I don't want to discourge anyone just be aware of this. I will be out 3 years this Oct 04 and have maintained the loss of 125pd going from 278/150ish it varies 5pds, but I keep a constant eye on the scale, weighing once a week, and can sure tell the difference in my clothes if I gain a few, I buy clothes that don't stretch anymore. Again, you have done a wonderful job, and I and all on here are so proud of you and happy for your new lease on life, God Bless you, Susie
   — lostitall

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