Looking for Lap-Band surgeon-western PA

A friend of mind is researching lap-band surgery, and is looking for a doctor in the greater Pittsburgh area. Can anyone share names and locations, as well as any other pertinent info? Thanks a bunch.    — Carlita (posted on August 19, 2004)

August 19, 2004
Dr Schauers group does the band as well as the RNY. Although he says the bands loss isnt as good as the RNY.
   — bob-haller

August 19, 2004
Dr. Kolenich in Greenville has a GREAT pre-op and post-op program..Wonderful, and highly recomend..I'm not sure about the band, but does do the RNY.. might be worth a check..Best of luck, and God Bless!
   — Kalli R.

August 19, 2004
Go to That is who makes the band. They have a surgeon locator that will be e-mailed to you with in seconds. I printed the list out and took it to my PCP and he reccomended my surgon. Hope this helps. Carmen
   — Carmen S.

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