I am 3 weeks post op and still itching like crazy.

I get hives and whelt marks from my face to my legs. Benadryl does not help it and I do not believe it is the pain medication as I have taken this med before w/no problems. HELP!!! I have tried Aveeno lotion and Cortaid and it does not help.    — Lisa .. (posted on April 26, 2000)

April 26, 2000
Trust me, just because you have taken something for a long time or in the past and had no problems doesn't mean you are not alergic to it now. Been there done that. Call your doctor. Good Luck!
   — BECKY M.

April 26, 2000
Lisa: I had that also from about the second week until about the beginning of the 4th week post-op. I wasn't on any pain medication (because I didn't have any) So it wasn't that. I still don't know what caused it, because, it went away as quickly as it came, however, I have seen others talk about this also. Mine was centered on my chest and forehead just a few whelps like hives. So I understand what you're going through I just don't know the cause although maybe the stress or anticipation of this surgery who knows.. I hope yours ends as quickly as mine did. <p> Open Divided Proximal RNY on 12/8/99: Beginning Weight 367 NOW 265.. <p> <a href="">Gastric Bypass Information, Recipes and Support</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

April 26, 2000
Are you taking morphine? I have been told it can make you itch.
   — Paula G.

April 26, 2000
I used to get that all the time...sometimes it's just caused by your nerves. Let's face it, you've been through a very stressful experience for your mind and your body.
   — Tracey D.

April 26, 2000
I also itched like crazy and it WAS the meds. Keep tring the benidrile. I know of nothing else but maybe a cool bath? Let me know Dawn
   — dawn D.

April 26, 2000
Maybe this is too simple but I itched and I thought it was dry skin because of the small amount of fat in my new post op diet. I am taking vitamin E...quite a bit but still safe help with the dry skin and hair. I have not had a problem since I began and it may just be coincidence but it could be worth a shot. Either way, it will help keep your skin in better shape as it begins to shrink on your ever shrinking new body.
   — S S.

April 26, 2000
Hi, First question? Do you still have your staples in from the surgery? If so this very possibly could be the cause of the itching! that is what it was for me any way. I had the staples removed and about 24-48 hours later I finally quit digging my skin off! I used a drug called Atarax 25 mg for the allergic reaction. It is an antihistimine. I had to take it 4 times per day. But I also used "Caress" bath soap, the liquid at first and now the bars are ok. And "Vaseline Intensive Care"- "solutions"- ManiCure. I used the lotion all over me and it helped very much. My skin was soooooo dry I thought it would crack any second. I too thought maybe it was the pain medication or the antibiotics and even went to the Emergency Room at the Hospital for a shot of Benadryl. Nothing helped. The bath soap and lotion made it bearable. Hope this helps. Cheri H.
   — Cheri H.

April 27, 2000
Are you taking antibiotics? I am pre-op but broke out in a terrible rash from Cipro when I had my gallbladder removed.
   — Barbara S.

April 27, 2000
Have you tried using oatmeal powder in a bath full of lukewarm water? My exhusband had terriable itching from his kidney disease. That is what his doctor told him to do. If you use the powder be very careful, it makes everything SLIPPERY! Oatmeal does soften the skin and hopefully you won't be itching afterwards! Char Turner
   — char T.

May 1, 2000
Hi - this may be something different, but I had a body rash that started on my legs and arms then became full-body about 3 weeks post-op. It turned out I was allergic tothe gall bladder medication the surgeon gave me (I did nothave my gall bladder removed). My Dr gave me a shot of cortisone and some antihistamines and it was gone in a day. I stopped taking the meds of course...
   — Shelley W.

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