Can the gallbladder be removed with a lap RNY?

So many people suggest having the gallbladder removed at the time of the surgery. I hope to have a lap RNY. I'm assuming this can't be possible with a lap?? Or would the surgeon do the lap, leaving the five tiny scars, then open me up to remove the gallbladder, leaving another scar??    — Kristy J. (posted on October 17, 2000)

October 17, 2000
Many general surgeons routinely remove gallbladders laparascopically these days. It is just as easy for the gallbladder to removed during a lap WLS. My surgeon does not remove the gallbladder routinely during his lap RNYs; only if there is evidence of existing gallstones or inflammation. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

October 17, 2000
am scheduled for a a lap rny 11/22 learned yesterday that my gallblader is in pitful shape. lots of stones. dr. informed me he'd remove it and them all at the same time. said i wouldn't miss them and it would be better to have it all done at the same time. good luck janis the va. girl
   — janis T.

October 18, 2000
I had my gallbladder out 7 years ago and they removed it LAP. If I still had mine, the doctor would have removed it at the same time I had my lap rny.
   — Gina K.

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