I had a terrible bout with phlegm or mucous - it could happen to you.

I'm over 7 months postop. I've had a couple of time when I hurt after eating and had to spit out extra mucous or phlegm. But, this week, I had it for over 1 and 1/2 hours and the pain was horrendous - plus it built to an almost unbearable peak just before it began to subside. I know for a fact that I spit out over a quart of stuff. I was gagging and nauseous and never vomited, though I wish I had. In fact, I've never thrown up since surgery. I had gotten up and eaten about 2 to 3 bites only of roast I'd cooked overnight in crockpot. Then, a few minutes later, I threw into my mouth my 2 Flintstones, my vitamin C, my B12 and 2 or 3 Tums and chewed and swallowed it all with no liquid. Within 5 minutes the troubles began. It must have plugged up the hole with the roast and the vitamins exploded on top of it all. It was horrible pain and eventually was straight through from breastbone to backbone like a super severe gallbladder attack or heart attack! I was on my way to the doctor or the hospital when it finally began to subside. I didn't see much about it in the archives so thought I'd add my story. I know I chewed well, but maybe on an empty stomach, the roast was too much.    — Cindy H. (posted on November 11, 2000)

November 11, 2000
I am so glad you asked this question. I don't have an answer but this just happened to me today for the first time. I am 6 weeks post and have been doing great. I have lost #53 and am eating anything with absolutely no problem. But today at breakfast I had a heavy feeling in my chest, breastbone to backbone and so I stopped eating. I waited a while and then tried to drink it actually felt like it was bubbling in the middle of my chest (but it was only water). Finally it seemed to pass. Then at lunch I was eating a piece of ham (lean of course) on a craker same thing again I stopped eating and about 5 minutes later I started spitting up the most horrible amount of moucus and phelem it was gross. This lasted for a while, and there was a good amount that came up and the pain was awful. I too felt like I was having a heart attack. If you do come across anything please drop me a line.
   — kyad7

November 11, 2000
Cindy and Karen ~ I'm sorry to hear about your trouble. What you described sounds identical to what my friend was going through (she didn't have WLS but had exact same symptoms). Her doctor found that she had a hiatal hernia. She said that it was a horrible pain that felt like she was having a heart attack. I'd advise calling your surgeon or pcp first thing Monday. Until then, you can look up information on hiatal hernias on the web and compare the symptoms and see what solutions there are for it. Best of luck, God bless.
   — Stephanie D.

November 12, 2000
I too have devolped this problem.In talking to another person who had the same experience she it will subside. But in the meantime try using one of the gas reducing tablets. I did yesterday and it seemed to help. the main ingredient I beleve is simethicone it breaks down the bubbles.
   — Dennis J. B.

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