Does anyone's incinsion act up in Cold weather?

It's cold..I had surgery on Sept.26th...My incinsion gets a little tender once the cold air hit it. I was at my six week check up last week. It has healed wonderfully. It is acting just like my incinsion did when I had a c section. I just need to know, what pain medication can anyone recommend. Because Tylenol Extra Strength Gelcaps SUCKS!! They seem not to help with no pain. Not a headache or anything. Any other you guys no of? And has anyone else experience this problem?    — Angela A. (posted on November 20, 2000)

November 20, 2000
Sorry, but I live in North Dakota (next to the North Pole, I think) where wind chill factors are below zero. I've had no problems with my incision during cold weather. Don't know what could be causing your pain - hope it disappears soon!
   — Cindy H.

November 20, 2000
Here in Idaho it's been freezing cold, too. Supposed to be 18 degrees tonight....BBBbbrrrrrrrr!! I haven't found the cold has any affect on my incision. Of course, the cold affects every single OTHER part of my body now! I remember the winters when I wore only jackets all winter; no more, that's for sure! Now I'm wearing a long, heavy coat, scarf, hat, ear muffs, gloves, & I have bought TWO sets of thermal underwear! And it's only November! Regarding pain relievers, my Dr recommends staying away from aspirin as much as possible so I have used Ibuprofin (generic) & have had good results with it, much better than before surgery. I hope it doesn't get TOO cold where you are!
   — Kathy W.

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