vomiting and nauseous two months after gastric bypass

I am still very nauseous and constantly throwing up everytime i try to eat. I have been on two anti-nausea medicines and they do not help. Any suggestions or help would be great!    — KAC (posted on March 23, 2007)

March 23, 2007
   — jshoffmann

March 23, 2007
Have you seen your surgeon? It may be a stricture if your a RNY, or a ulcer. If your a smoker ulcers are very common. Have you been scoped?
   — bob-haller

March 23, 2007
Hi... just have to agree with the others in asking if you have been to your surgeon to see if having a scope examination is in order? You could have a stricture? Still passing gas or stool? If not, you could have an intestinal problem - blockage, etc. The sooner that you can get this under control the better, as the constant vomiting is not good for you and can cause scar tissue due to the constant irritation of vomiting. Good luck to you.
   — Kari_K

March 23, 2007
Hi... just have to agree with the others in asking if you have been to your surgeon to see if having a scope examination is in order? You could have a stricture? Still passing gas or stool? If not, you could have an intestinal problem - blockage, etc. The sooner that you can get this under control the better, as the constant vomiting is not good for you and can cause scar tissue due to the constant irritation of vomiting. Good luck to you.
   — Kari_K

March 23, 2007
One more question... what are you trying to eat? Are you trying very small amounts of liquids? If you have been vomiting and try to put alot in, it will come up.... just a thought.
   — Kari_K

March 23, 2007
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ALL THE RESPONSES!!!! As far as smoking, yes i am a smoker. As far as eating, i have been trying to drink protien drinks, mashed potatos, soups, juicy juice, and mushy stuff. My doc says i should be able to eat more regular foods but i am to afraid to do it. I also have a a lot of gas pressure when eating or drinking anything as well, it's incredibly uncomfortable. I have never had any tests, just one visit to the ER for vommiting and an x-ray that i guess showed nothing.
   — KAC

March 23, 2007
Hi Kelsey, you don't have anything listed on your profile, so I don't have any info but what you say here. It leaves me with more questions than answers. Are you nauseous after eating how much? A few tablespoons? Or too much food? Throwing up how much food? If you are nauseous when eating than I have to assume you are eating foods, so I wonder if you are forcing yourself to eat way too much food and your body in rejecting it? I know you don't want your question to sound like that, but is this the real problem? A medication won't solve this problem. Wls is a head issue Kelsey, and you have to fight the head issues. What kind of foods are you eating and how much? Are you drinking soda or other harmful things to your pouch? I don't want to sound mean or anything, but I encourage you to be really careful what you eat and eat smaller portions. If you are doing all these things which should be per your doctors instructions, then your doctor has to work this one out. I will say that I have an ulcer (and probably will for life), but eating food has nothing to do with the pain I get, and it does not resolve by eating. An ulcer is painful and only medication can help heal it. For me is reoccurs though and I will have it probably for life. It sounds to me though,in the small amount of information that we have, that you are anxious about food and are fighting the head issues of the strong desire to eat more against the benefit of the surgery you just had. Take care Kelsey, and I really wish you well. I hope you find an answer. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 24, 2007
Hi, I am sorry to hear about your problem, as I have been there! I was naseous for a few months after surgery, and had trouble keeping anything down. I went to my surgeon who scoped me and said everything looked fine. They did x-rays, put me on meds, but nothing helped. I got so dehydrated I ended up in the hospital to get IV fluids, including potassium. My potassium got so low, they were afraid I would have a heart attack. My dr. told me that some people are just more sensitive to this surgery than others, and that one day the naseau would just go away. For a long time after surgery I was so sick, I just wanted to lie down so I would vomit. I kept thinking "What have I done"! But one day the sickness did just go away. But you have to keep on top of it so you don't get dehydrated, and keep telling your dr. how you are doing so he can monitor the situation, and rule out everything else. Good luck to you!
   — Rebecca Johnson

March 25, 2007
Kelsey, I really think you need to get in and see your surgeon. If he doesn't return your calls by Monday afternoon then I would go to his office since you have been calling him for a week now. It really sounds like a stricture, but I think an Upper GI or Endoscopy will be able to tell your surgeon, and ultimately you, exactly what the problem is and what needs to be done to make you whole again. If it's a stricture then hopefully he can just do the dilation and you will feel better within the day, hopefully. I know you and I know your eating habits. I know you take the smallest bites, chew forever, and put time between each bite. I have faith that you will be better shortely as soon as your doctor does those procedures!!! Love you hun!
   — JGDugar

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