retaining water in calves

The last 3 wks i am swelling in my lower legs (CALVES) , ankles and feet. I bought water pills for the 1st time ever and it did not make me urinate more than usual, so i took another one, no luck. it hurts when i walk. i elevate my legs also. are there water pills out there that will work, any suggestions? Thank you for any suggestions.    — julie R. (posted on September 18, 2006)

September 18, 2006
Hi Julie- you didnt mention if you were pre op- post op, non op or what. Also it sounds to me like you are trying to resolve the edema without seeking medical attention. For swelling this bad, please see your PCP at least. There are reasons for the swelling, and they may need attending to with more than over the counter diuretics. We have several good prescription diuretics, but in order to get them, you need to be seen and have a comprehensive diagnosis. Before you are seen by the doctor, there are several things for you to check- #1 you still need to drink your water. #2-cut out everything with salt= that means buy salt free everything, and don't use table salt when cooking. Just those few things can radically reduce the swelling. Even if you smoke, that contributes to edema. I hope you are seen soon, as I know from years of swollen feet etc, its painful and it wont get better unless it is addressed by a professional. Cindi 3.24.04 -230#
   — DollyDoodles

September 18, 2006
I agree with Doodles. If this has been going on for 3 weeks, you need to see a doc asap. You (and us for that matter) doesn't know what's going on and it could be serious. Or it could be something small but the doc could give you a Rx water pill. Continue drinking water and no salt. See a doctor! Hope you feel better.
   — platypus

September 18, 2006
When you see your doctor ask him about getting and wearing Compression Stockings. I've been wearing them since 1990. 20-30mm compression. Medicaid/Medicare and some insurances cover them. If your self pay as I am try this website:
   — Michael Eak

September 18, 2006
PLEASE call your doctor, I was told any kind of pain in the calves must be reported. This could be a sign of something developing, and your doctor must know immediately.
   — MomofKate

September 18, 2006
I have to agree with Doodles, wait no longer contact your PCP. Your problem could be circulation and not necessarily and not necessarily a solution for water pills. Since elevating appears to not be helping either, see your doctor.
   — the7thdean

September 18, 2006
Yes, definately see your doctor. It could be blood clots or anything. You will need a prescription water pill like laxis if everything checks out okay. Don't wait to long.
   — roberta45

September 19, 2006
I had what I thought was Edema but it turned out to be Lymphedema. This is where your lymph system is damaged (just a small amount of damage can cause it) and the lymph fluids and protein pools in your legs. Mine got so bad it even went to my abdomen. Please ask you doctor about this too. No matter how many water pills you take, they don't help Lymphedema because the lymph fluid must drain through the lymphnatic system. This can only be done by a physical therapist trained in MLD (manual lymphnatic drainage). Lymphedema can never be cured, only controled. Damage to the lymph system can't be repaired. It can come from surgery, obesity and other things. Please ask about it. Good luck.
   — Sandy~Diamond

September 19, 2006

   — aprilbaree

September 19, 2006
CALL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT NOW or go to the ER. It may be a bloodclot and very dangerous! Let us know what happens. I would rather send a bunch to the ER than miss one and have something bad happen.....
   — bob-haller

September 22, 2006
You actually need to take in more water or decaffeinated fluids when you are taking those types of meds. Your body cells will start to retain fluids if you do not give it the amounts that it requires to support normal body functions. So, if you are taking them and have not upped your fluids your body is retaining even more water, talk about a vicious circle. Get to your doctor to talk about your medical condition that you are going through right now. It sounds like you really need to be supervised by a medical practicioner and not be on over the counter (OTC) meds. Water pills of any types whether it is OTC or a prescription needs to be supervised by a doctor. They can cause your potassioum levels to dip real low. Chris
   — ChristineB

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