I tested positive for Heliobactor the bactiria found before you get stomack ulsers.

Has anyone had to go through this i had 1 responce that said yes and took strong anitibiotcs for 2 weeks and 1 month later had upper gi and all was well had surery (i think)    — Shirley H. (posted on May 4, 2006)

May 3, 2006
HPylori is usually picked up by drinking contaminated water such as streams, rivers and lakes - like when you are on camping trips, etc. It takes a triple antibiotic to clear up the infection and if left alone and not treated can lead to ulcers. Once you have had an RNY it is often times hard for the doctors to see the unused portion of the stomach and if you have an ulcer they can't see it could lead to more surgery in the future. They want to ensure your are as healthy as possible before they do the RNY so that you have a good outcome,
   — dabby

May 3, 2006
Its pretty common antibitics should clear it up. If your a smoker STOP NOW, that bug is common in smokers, apparently the toxins weaken the immune system...
   — bob-haller

May 4, 2006
I am the one that posted about the HPylori. All was well with the EGD and surgery went fine. The primary reason for persuing the EGD and checking it out is that you REALLY dont want your surgeon to open your stomach and find that they cut into an ulcer. Not a big deal. Chris
   — CChappell

May 4, 2006
that is correct you have to take an antibiotic for 2 weeks and then all is fine.
   — ncooklpn

May 5, 2006
Shirley: I have tested positive for the bacteria infection also I was treated then went back for the retest. Again I tested positive. They again are currently treating me with another regiem of antibotics which are stronger, it appears that I have a strong resistance against to antibotics. The Dr's. office told me that it would not prevent me from getting my surgery though. I am going to be getting an open cut RNY. I wish you all the luck. I don't have a surgery date as yet. I am waiting for Medicare to approve the hospital. I have been approved already. Good Luck Tressia
   — Tressia

May 5, 2006
Thank you to every-one you were all right I went to the GI Dr and he has me on the antibiotcics for the two weeks and then he is going to do a scope on me on the 22nd. he said all would be fine but that dr was not for the by-pass he went on andd on about can't you just go on a deit I really had to laugh he was 6'6" and like a light pole. I sure did give him my 2 cents.
   — Shirley H.

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