Is there a way to speed the dumping process along?

I have been dumping for the past 3 hours on sunflower seeds, of all things. I only ate a tablespoon and I feel like I have had food poisoning. Why the seeds? I do fine on all other nuts. The only other things that I have dumped on is sugar-free products. Will drinking water push the contents through faster to get over the cramping? Hot tea to relax those cramping intestines? I have just been really miserable. Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
The only thing that helps me is to sit in my recliner with a blanket and go to sleep.
   — Helen C.

January 14, 2002
i dont see where some hot tea would hurt. maybe it will help wash the seeds thru. when i dump i sip on water or tea. it seems to help.
   — sheryl titone

January 14, 2002
Hi, I'm not sure if this is recomended , but it worked for me a few times. If I eat something that makes me dump, I will know it in about twenty minutes. I usually sit down, and sip water, it actually helped. One night I dumped so bad, and actually it was the first time I ever did, that I felt like I should go to the hospital. My mom gave me a cold glass of water , and did it help. Not sure if it will work for you, but it has for me everytime, hope you feel better,:)
   — Carey N.

January 14, 2002
I know this is NOT a right to do, but I had the same experience with 2 sugar free peanut butter cups, and I forced myself to get sick. I know it's not right, but I couldn't shake the feeling, and I had to get on with my life! I'm glad to see the other answers, I will try that next time (lets hope there isn't a next time).
   — [Anonymous]

January 15, 2002
Nothin helps me! I crawl into bed, darken the room. pull my comforter up....and sleep until it's over.
   — [Anonymous]

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