I feel like I am alone in my decision to have OPEN RNY.

Is there anyone else out there who has recently had OPEN RNY or are scheduled to have it done? I decided to have OPEN because that's what the doctor in my city offers and I completely trust him. I'm just wondering if it will be worth it to stay in town. thanks.    — Jennifer M. (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
I had Open RNY 2.5 mos ago and would do it again in a heartbeat. My surgeon prefers that over Lap (which he also performs, at the patient's request); he says it's a more exact surgery and less chance of complications. HTH!
   — Susan W.

July 10, 2003
I had my open RNY almost two years ago. After considering a LAP procedure, I just though it would be better that the doctor could see and touch what he was working on. I was concerned about recovery and the incision, but looking back I see my open scar as my battle scar. For me it's all been worth it!
   — Pamela B.

July 10, 2003
I had OPEN 15 months ago BY CHOICE, every body has their own opinion about this, but I was more comfortable with the OPEN approach and never had a moments regret- my scar is shrinking and fading, but it helps remind me WHY I did this- after awhile you begin to feel normal and can forget that you had surgery-
   — ~~Stacie~~

July 10, 2003
I just had open RNY on 6/27/03. The surgeon I chose only does open so there was not a choice there unless I wanted to go to someone else. The choice of surgeon was more important to me than whether it was open or lap.I am doing great! Just saw the doc today, got my release to go back to work already, just have to avoid heavy lifting. My incision is only about 2-1/2 inches long. I am so glad to have had this surgery that I would not care if my incision was 12 inches long though!
   — DebT

July 10, 2003
I had open RNY 9 months and 105 pounds ago and wouldn't change it for anything. i felt it had a lower rate of complications and as stated before, I didn't want the Dr. looking thru a camera to operte on my intestines.
   — **willow**

July 10, 2003
I 'choose' to have an open instead of a lap; because at the time, it took longer to have a lap than an open and because I had recently lost my husband, I didnt want my daughter to have to 'wait' any longer than she had to for me to be in surgery - since open was far shorter I took that route. In having the open, my surgeon saw I had a large ovarian cyst which I didnt know I had and 'fixed' that while he was in there; something he wouldnt have done if he was doing lap. I also requested my gallbadder taken out; which he wouldnt have done lap. So having the open was 'worth' it to me. And depending on your future; depending on how much skin needs removed - you would be cut down the middle for an abdominaly plasty anyways. also scars fade - I was over 40 and didnt plan to do a bikini anways so who cares about a scar. Lastly; JUST because someone 'plans' to have an open doesnt mean you end up that way. You could go to a surgeon that just does laps - and because of 'what ever' they have to turn it into a open. If you are happy with your current surgeon... just stay with him.
   — star .

July 10, 2003
I had my open RNY Nov. 20, 2002. I have lost 115 lbs so far and it is great. I traveled 500+ miles (from Harrisburg, PA to Yipsilani, MI) to have the surgery and in my opinion the open was best because the surgeon could measure my intestines with a tape measure and know exactly how much was being bypassed. Plus, I was only under anesthesia for 90 minutes. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
   — klinzey

July 10, 2003
I was set up to have the LAP RnY, I thought the recovery time would be shorter and the pain not as much. My Dr. whom does both told me that I could change my mind up to the last min. before surgery. At my last appt with him before surgery I asked him what HE prefered to do, he said the OPEN, we discussed the reasons. The day of surgery I went for the OPEN RnY!! I'm so glad I did!! Good luck!
   — luckyflowers

July 10, 2003
I had open in January 2003. I was wanted to have LAP but switched surgeons and location because it was closer to home. My surgeon does not do LAP. He feels open is better because he can see everything he is doing. He also feels there is less chance of complications. Just his feelings and thoughts, but I am glad I had open. I was off work for 4 weeks. Don't know as I would have went back any sooner with open. If you trust your surgeon and you are ok with open, that's all that matters. Good luck. Linda
   — Linda B.

July 10, 2003
Hi Jennifer, I had open, because the surgeon I chose is not fully trained in Lap for the RNY. I went to him because he was close to home (20 min) and he is very experienced and a genuine person. My surgery was picture perfect..would do it again. Good luck
   — Kriola

July 10, 2003
At first I was upset that my insurance would only approve open and not lap. But then I got a gander at my medical records for the lap procedure I had to remove my gallbladder. I never fully understand why my surgery took longer than usual and why I ended up staying overnight when I was originally told I could go home early. I had a very fatty liver which made finding my gallbladder very difficult. I was under anesthesia for a very long time and took much longer to come around in recovery. And that's with a surgeon who was very experienced with laparoscopic surgery. Now I'm glad I'll have the surgery open. I'm doing everything I can to make sure my liver is healthier by my surgery date, but I know with the open procedure my surgeon will be able to find his way around easier and I'll be out of surgery quicker. I am happy to trade a couple more weeks of recovery for a shorter stay under anesthesia. Anesthesia is a little scary, especially the heavier and the older you are. I'll have a nice 4-5 week vacation at home recuperating and that suits me just fine. I'm so glad I saw those medical records.
   — antiques55

July 10, 2003
Jennifer, I WANTED to have open RNY. Somehow it seems to me that the surgeon being able to actually see and feel what's buried in all that fat is a plus. And that's exactly the way my surgeon feels about it too. He does lots of other surgeries lap but wil not do RNY that way. And, he has a mortality rate of less than 1 in a 1000; the national average (and that of Al Roker's doctor) is 1 in 200. He must be doing something right. I had my Open RNY 19 months ago and haven't regretted it one bit. I was off work two weeks and went back 8 hours a day with no problems. I don't think the recovery is any harder than with lap and I knew I would have to have a tt anyway so why worry about the scar. My incisons are my victory flags. I wear them proudly. (I say incisions because I've had my tt, so I have a midline scar and a lower one from hip bone to hip bone. But I can wear, tight, short shirts and don't have to worry about a big belly hanging out.
   — Patty_Butler

July 10, 2003
The main downside to open is a large risk of incisional hernias, that often require yet another surgery to repair. You should know this before you have surgery.
   — Sam J.

July 10, 2003
I had Lap RNY almost 5 months ago, and I am very happy. BUT, I had it because that's the way my surgeon does it and I trusted him. That trust should guide your decision. If he would have told me that the safest way to do the surgery was with an incision from my neck to my navel and to do it in the middle of traffic on the Long Island Expressway I would have done that, too. There are pros and cons of both ways, but the inside work is the same as is the end result long term. Have faith in you choice of surgeon and you'll be fine!!
   — Fixnmyself

July 10, 2003
I was 54 when I decided to have the RNY and it was open...I'd rather have that so they can see everything. Even at that age, my dear little mom was PO'd at me big time, my daughter told me I was just taking the "easy way out," one of my close friends highly suggested that I try to lose weight just one more time for 6 months. I didn't care if they all stayed angry & never spoke to me the rest of my life--I was going to have that operation. I am doing fine and have lost 120 lbs. Yes, I do have an incisional hernia, but I'm also chosing to (hopefully) have a TT (self-pay for that portion) at the same time...and I can hardly wait for that too...and I'm sur they'll all be PO'd again! LOL
   — Betty Todd

July 10, 2003
I'd suggest going with a local surgeon if you trust him. I love my surgeon, but I wish he were closer than four hours away. It's now time for my 1 year visit and I'm hard pressed to make the call to schedule. It's hot and I don't want to make the loooong drive. I also remember worrying about what if's with him so far away. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 11, 2003
I would guess it would be worth it to stay in town. I'd vastly prefer to stay local with any surgery as I've had many out of state, and cross country surgeries. My out of area surgeries came with lots of problems as no one wants to touch you when you need help. They want to send you back. Anyway, I had open rny as I've had other abdomial surgeries and he would only do it open. But I'm glad. He could get at things better with an open I'm sure. Personally I feel it's safer but everyone has a different opinion. Thankfully I never had any hernias, but when they said don't lift anything such and such a weight for such and such a time, I DID'NT! I learned from another surgery where I hemeraged after carring a milk jug around the store! So no problems this time as I did as I was
   — Danmark

July 11, 2003
I CHOSE to have my surgery open. The recovery time to me whasnt a big concern, I had a huge amount of support and the time off either way. Not a concern. I wanted open because I wanted hands on surgery. Easier to see whats going on. I had MANY conversations about this with my surgeon. So many people have LAP surgery because they dont want a visible scar---I have to laugh at this ALOT. Anyone here that is post op any length of time knows that scar or not...your tummy is not the prettiest place on your body anymore <wink>. Anyhow, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone with your decision. Many of us here chose to do it that way, not just because that was the only option available to them. Good luck with your surgery.
   — RebeccaP

July 11, 2003
I had an open RNY 12 weeks ago. I originally thought I wanted the lap procedure, but the surgeon I chose (Dr. Tanaka at Pacific Bariatric in San Diego) said I wasn't a good candidate for lap because of my size (close to 400 lbs.) I was disappointed at first, but after a little more research, I decided that while the open would be a little more painful and leave a bigger scar, it had the advantage of being a shorter procedure that was easier for the surgeon and less likely to have complications. I went through it with little trepidation, zero complications, and I have NO regrets! I wear my scar proudly and show to anyone who wants to see it (and probably a few who don't!). I also agree with other posters that having your surgery close to home is much more convenient, and all your friends and family can come to the hospital to visit bearing flowers and gifts. Good luck to you, and whatever decision you make, let it be right for YOU.
   — Maggie T.

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