stomache noises

I am almost 10 years out from my gastric bypass,and am having alot noises from my tummy. It isn't gas just weired noises when I eat. Has anyone had this problem,and if what is going on?    — luvmytrucker51 (posted on November 20, 2010)

November 20, 2010
OMG! I am 7 weeks out from RNY and my stomach is so noisy it sometimes scares my cats!! LOL Seriously, I talked to my surgeon about this and he said that because part of my upper colon is missing and my stomach is now so small digestion is going to require more movement of the muscles surrounding the digestive organs and is therefore bound to make more noise. I can't say the same applies to you since I am only 7 weeks out and you are 10 years, but I would be willing to bet it does. Why don't you talk to your surgeon or a local bariatric site? Wish you the best!
   — kittymama03

November 21, 2010
I am 7 months out from lapband surgery and I have the same problem alot! Usually at Church when everything is really quiet. I get so embarresed But it is so worth it to be where I am today.
   — trying2findmyself

November 21, 2010
yes! I hear the digestion all the time. It is normal so do not worry. They have gotten a bit less noisy but I can hear them and so can my husband at night when we lay in bed. We laugh about it.
   — rexysmamma

November 21, 2010
I am almost 8 weeks post op and my stomach talks anytime I eat something... it sounds to me like my mom bugging me not to "eat that". LOL.. But I understand the reply that explained what the surgeon said is correct. I quess we should be happy it is telling it is still at work for you. Dana
   — Dana M.

November 22, 2010
I am 2 1/2 years out. My noises are quite impressive. Seems to be worse when I eat dairy. I look at it this way, they will always be able to find me in a crowd!!
   — sandorah

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