How soon were you able to return to work?

My doctor says I can return about 2 weeks following the procedure (RNY), but I've heard others out as long as six weeks.    — hatda (posted on December 9, 2007)

December 9, 2007
Did you have an open or laproscopic procedure? After a laproscopic procedure, I returned to work exactly two weeks after the surgery. It also may depend upon what the person does at their job. I have people in my support group who are nurses who could not lift people for six weeks after surgery but their employers found other duties for them. I work in a maximum security forensic hopsital and could not be in physical contact with the clients for a total of 5 weeks after surgery but I had loads of paperwork to do.
   — Elaine L.

December 9, 2007
Depends. And of course, everyone is different. What procedure R U having? I had LAP RNY and could of gone back to work after a few days. Did I? HELL NO! I took 2 weeks and glad I did. By the time I went back to work, I was over hybernation, got through my wacked out hormones, was eating pureed/soft foods. I enjoyed my time off work. I "drive a desk" all day; so I am guessing it will depend on what procedure and what you do. I have a friend who is an RN - she had to take over a month. I have a friend who is a Police man, he took a month. Another friend, a janitor for the school district - 4-5 weeks. Another desk pusher - 1 week. Do what you can handle.
   — jammerz

December 9, 2007
I had the surgery of the 10/20/05, and was back to my job on the 28th, this included the flight to Mexico and back . So this all depends on what type of work you are doing.
   — Reelbaby

December 9, 2007
I had lap RNY on a thursday and was back at work the next tuesday. I was tired but I managed, I work at a desk all day though. I also left early when It got to be too much that first week.
   — Chrialg6

December 9, 2007
Remember....this IS major surgery. Don't try to do too much too soon. Everyone is different and some people are able to bounce back quicker than others. I took off for six weeks and I'm GLAD I did. GOOD LUCK !!!
   — AngelaC.

December 9, 2007
I was LAP and went back part time in just over a week primarily out of boredom
   — bob-haller

December 9, 2007
Recovery from major surgery will vary with the patient. It also depends if you had the easier laproscopic surgery or you had a major incision. I attend multiple support groups monthly and hear people say they return to work in 2 weeks, while others take 6-8 weeks.
   — Dave Chambers

December 10, 2007
Had lap rny Oct 31 went back to work Nov 6 so thats five days was a little tired but not bad. I do office work and at desk all day so it wasnt hard for me . Tina Love
   — tinluv27

December 10, 2007
I had RNY and came back after a week, I took a weeks vacation and didn't want anybody to know so I was back in one week with know problems at all.
   — campnwego

December 10, 2007
I had lap RNY on 11/26 and the doctor said the normal time out is 3-4 weeks. I asked for 4 weeks so I'll be off over Christmas and they allowed that. So I'm due back at work on 12/26. I am doing great but still have some pain in the stomach area and it still hurts a bit when I walk. I have a desk job and I really don't feel like I'd be up to working after 2 weeks but everyone is different. If you think you need more than 2 weeks, just ask your doctor. Hopefully he/she is understanding.
   — itzmetami

December 10, 2007
I had lap rny and I went back to work one week later. But again, I think it is all dependent on each individuals response to recovery and what their occupation is?
   — jewels-okla

December 10, 2007
i had lap RNY and am a nurse on a busy medical/surgical unit.i had no problems and my doctor said i could go back in 6 weeks, but i actually took 7 and i am very glad i did! one of my coworkers had the same surgery and was back in 4 weeks and did fine, but don't push it- you have the rest of your life to work. hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 11, 2007
I had my lapband on Oct 11th and went back to work on Nov 12th although I could have returned sooner, everyone's different
   — bchicks42

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