support group weight gain issues

I have posted before on weight gain and was wanting to know if anyone that quit going to a support group had problems with weight gain. I attended a group regulary and they stopped having the meetings about two years ago. It has been since then that I have packed on 42 lbs. I never had a problem with it as long as I went to them. I was wondering if it might have to do with seeing everyone and their progress that it keep you spirits high. Maybe its just my way of denial but thats my thought. My best friend had surgery 1 year after me, and when I had mine she was not supportive at all, She did not come to the hospital or my home for about three months afterwards. She was against the idea of WLS. Well low and behold she decided she would go for it and I was there for her. I just don't understand it. Any input would be great.    — tchandler (posted on May 6, 2006)

May 6, 2006
In our support group we had a number of people that gained weight. They admitted that they were lazy and did not come to the meetings for up to 4-5 months. It is very important that people who have had wls attend those meetings. We have meetings twice a month, for a total of 4 hours. They just could not make the time. I guess you have to tell me if it is important enought to put those few hours aside and come. Good Luck Steve
   — Steve Cohen

May 6, 2006
In our support group we had a number of people that gained weight. They admitted that they were lazy and did not come to the meetings for up to 4-5 months. It is very important that people who have had wls attend those meetings. We have meetings twice a month, for a total of 4 hours. They just could not make the time. I guess you have to tell me if it is important enought to put those few hours aside and come. In my opinion, those who do not attend the support groups will fail. They will fail so bad that they could put on 40-50 more3 pounds. Again, this is only my opinion, and from listening to those who gained weight. Good Luck Steve
   — Steve Cohen

May 6, 2006
According to the stats at the ASBS, support groups increase the chances of success. <shrug> So that backs up your suspicions. My dh & I have been in support groups since I was 7 days out, the only one I missed was the day I had my TT. We attend 4 per month (2 of our own and 2 others) and I'm scared to ever stop. We talk about our accountability, work thru all kinds of issues and generally support each other thru the tough times or good times.
   — vitalady

May 6, 2006
Two years ago was also the 'magic' regain time of 3 years post op for you as well. Could be related to your support group loss or just coincidence. I've been to two support group meetings since my surgery in '01 and am only 15 lbs up from my lowest weight (which is and was below goal). I think that WLS is very individual and weight regain can not be contributed to one source or another, it's a combination of many factors.....the main one being compliance.
   — RebeccaP

May 6, 2006
yeah it makes a BIG difference. Sadly our support group DIED, went from literally 100s of people the very last meeting it ever had just 12 myself included. Our surgeons got better jobs and moved away. So sad to see them go. UPMC had a very $$ decision. It must of effected their bottom line:) Where they used to have a year wait for WLS, now they advertise it on commercials. Anyhow my surgeon is the new head of the ASBS, everyone here lost bigtime. I really miss the group and the accountability. If our group were still active I would be attending....
   — bob-haller

May 7, 2006
Tina- Yeah, I think there are some people who just drop out when they start struggling and I have done that my whole life (surrounding wieght loss efforts), but not this time. I am sorry your group ended. I will continue to go to meetings regardless of how boring they may be. If you can't go anywhere else find an Overeaters amnouymous (sp?) or a TOPS meeting- different but still support. We have no surgeons in New Mexico so we started a grass roots support group here in ABQ and people have all different surgeons from many different states. Just a suggestion: Start your own grass roots meeting. OH staff sponsors a support group leaders work shop every month and they help with adgendas and handout materials, etc. Contact Monica Gantz or Amy WIlliams for more information. Also, please just start to support every wls person you know - including that wayward friend. Why don't you two team up to start a group and re-form your friendship? Because whether she knows it or not she is going to struggle at some point too and you can help each other. Best of luck to you. Please work to work around your gain, you have worked too hard to go back!!!!! Try hard to love yourself by only putting good food in that body of yours. I am trying to think aobut my tummy as a gas tank, and I don't put diesel in my gas engine car so why would I put non - nutritious food in my mouth. I know (I have failed my whole life, too) it is easier said then done but I believe in you!!! You wouldn't have posted this question if you didn't believe in you rself, too. Happy Sunday Tina!!
   — *Ladybug *.

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