Roux-en-y surgery 6 years ago. 35 lb gain. Sweet cravings. Help!

   — butterfly343 (posted on July 11, 2009)

July 11, 2009
Gosh, I'm sorry that you put a few back on. Have you tried the 5 day pouch test? I did and it got me in-line. I also am trying to stay away from the carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice) that make me hungrier than when I sat down to eat. I hope all of your labs (i.e. iron & ferritin) are good, because those being low keep your body from burning/metabolizing to it's maximum. Another thing that I found stopped my weight loss (and chunked me up a few lbs) was certain meds my MD had me on for depression. I went back to her and we tried other meds that didn't have the weight gain side effects. Another thing I noticed about sweet cravings, was even if I was doing artificially sweetened products, I was craving more and more sweet stuff. I had to put the brakes on and limit my Splenda, Stevia, and Nutra-Sweet intake. (plus I'm not so sure that those are a healthy alternative - just no calorie) Anyway, I am about 3.5 yrs post-RNY and I feel for you. I hope you find the culprit and can fix it. Feel free to write me if you want to talk about it. -Darlene / [email protected]
   — dadebrito

July 12, 2009
B-100 Complex cuts the sugar and carb cravings, too. An acupuncturist told my partner about it. They are fairly large capsules, but can be opened and put into anything. They also turn your urine dark yellow, so be forewarned, if you take them.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

July 12, 2009
Is it possible to approach your doc about a revision? I know several people have gone from bypass to band, or bypass to gastric sleeve, etc. It might not be a bad idea to ask. All he can say is no. About the sweets, I wish I could say there is an easy fix, but as you know, there isn't. I still have sweet cravings, usually with my monthly cycle. I do indulge in a few bites of chocolate or cheesecake. NOT GOOD, I know, but just the few bites satisfy me and I can move on. I try very hard to fill up on proteins first and foremost, then there usually isn't room for anything else because I know it will be coming back up if I eat it. This is a negative reinforcement type of learning curve. You learn what NOT to eat and that helps you make better choices. Wishing you all the best, Trish
   — dragonflier

July 12, 2009
Thanks to you all for your advice. I did try the pouch test. And failed at it. I just stay so hungry all of the time. Even if I eat protein first, I am still hungry. But I am giving it my best again starting tomorrow. Since I have had my surgery I have had "severe stomach pain/spasms". So bad that it feels like you have been punched in the stomach and had the breath knocked out of you. Had testing for it and everything comes back clean. Have no idea what it could be but very painful. Anyone else experience this?
   — butterfly343

July 30, 2009
boy do I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat. HELP
   — cathmeister

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