Surgeries, what else is there for me?

Has anyone here ever had a wieght loss surgery and then years later had a revision and then even that did not work and did you ever consider any other surgery? That is my case. I am very frustrated and don't know where to turn to now. In my heart I know something is wrong and can't get any answers. In 1985 I had a vbg, lost about 80pds. That was it! I always could eat large amounts and could never understand it. In July of 2000 I had a revison to a gastric bypass. I have only lost about 50 pds. It is frustrating and discouraging. I can eat like I always ate. Much larger amounts than I should be able to. I get no satisfaction from my surgeon. I feel like one of his horror stories that he would like to forget. I just know something is wrong. The only thing my surgeon did was order a upper GI series which the attendant doing it said that everything was in tact. Does it show how large the pouch is? Is it possible that I have the strechiest pouch in the world. When my surgeon did my revison he said he restapled my stomach because he did not like the size of the pouch. I am at a loss as to why I have never felt the fullness like I should have. Can anyone help me? I am considering seeing a surgeon closer to my home who I have seen good remarks about from others here in the site. Has anyone ever had anything like this happen to anyone they know? After a lifetime of wieght issues I have been thru so much to get help and feel like a failure. My family and friends tell me not to be discouraged that I am not the failure but that the surgery and the surgeon failed me. I just want help! Something is not right, never has been and I just know it in my heart. I feel so suicidel at times. Thank god I have my family to hold me up because I know otherwise this wieght thing I have struggled with forever would surely take me down. Any suggestions? Please help!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 3, 2002)

February 3, 2002
You are not the only person to have several SURGERIES fail them. If your new pouch was constructed improperly, or the stoma was too big or has become too big, any of those can make your surgery FAIL YOU. I've known people who have had as many as EIGHT WLS. None failed due to personal weakness, all were mechanical or surgeon problems. You did not say where you are in the country. Perhaps there are expert bariatric doctors in your area who not only can revise you, but actually understand obesity & how to nourish for weight loss post-op.
   — vitalady

February 3, 2002
I would definitely see another surgeon. Unfortunately, none of us like to look at our mistakes. It may just take a 'fresh' approach to figure out what can be done to help you. As for feeling suicidal, please feel free to email me if you would like to talk to someone. Suicide is not the answer.
   — garw

February 3, 2002
Hi,dont despair,there is always other doctors, i am having the micro pouch done,I dont know if you have ever heard of this but it doesnt EVER strech. its impossible for it to strech, its the size of a grape.just a thought,if you wantto you can e mail me,becky
   — rebecca N.

February 3, 2002
I can understand your feelings of failure because nobody is supposed to fail at this surgery - right? Well, it can happen. Please don't continue to have docs cut away at your body in hopes of getting it "right". You are NOT a failure if you are fat, but if it causes you desperate unhappiness, look into OA or counseling or something else than help you become whole and complete. Above all, remember that you are a human being, deserving of love and acceptance from us all. God bless you.
   — [Anonymous]

February 3, 2002
You're not a failure! You're very brave for even going through this twice already. As Michelle said, it's the surgery or surgeon who is failing you. I too, urge you to find someone else who might be able to give you an answer. Please be aware though, that many surgeons don't like to work with other surgeon's problems. You might have to look around. From my heart, I also agree with Gar. Nothing but nothing is worth thinking about suicide. I have been battling depression for years so I know how it can get to you. I sincerely think that you might also, need to find a doctor to help you deal with all of this disappointment. Don't give up though. I haven't and I have had many a problem believe me. I am still trying to find answers. I wish you good luck and eventual happiness. I know this is hard but "this too shall pass with time". There IS an answer out there somewhere.
   — Barbara H.

February 28, 2002
Oh, Sweetie! What you have been through! I had a RNY in October and have lost "only" 50 pounds. I expected a big weight loss and miracle. I find that I can eat more than most and just found out that it's because my pouch is VERY elastic and stretched AND the opening from my pouch to my intestines had stretched or was too big to begin with. The only alternative was another surgery - which I wanted to avoid like th plague! So, I got serious at what I was FEELING when I ate and right after. I made myself start with a small portion and asked myself if it felt OK or just a bite or 2 more would satisfy me. It made a HUGE difference. Hallelujah! Being conscious of the amounts made me appreciate the QUALITY of the food. I made sure it had lots of protein, flavor and enjoyment. I doubt I will need additional surgery because I decided I wasn't going to do that to myself again.
   — [Anonymous]

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