I have NO Energy! All labs are Normal..??

Hey guys I am 16months post-op and have not had any energy. I could probably answer this myself, but would like to know if there is anything else to look at. All of my labs have always been normal. I stopped taking vitamins months ago because all of my labs showed i was almost overdosing on some. i do not excercise often. So these things may be it. But all i wanna do is sleep... anything other than the obvious i need to look at?? Thanks! post op 16months, -112lbs, at 152pds 5'8, sizes 7-9    — Sunny4x4chick (posted on November 25, 2003)

November 25, 2003
Two things came to mind when I read your post. Depression or pregnancy. Wanting to sleep all the time is a classic symtom of depression and also early stage pregnancy. Good luck! Angela
   — Angela T.

November 25, 2003
Labs are an individual thing. If the normal range for B-12, is say, 211-1500 (not sure, just go with me on this), and you were feeling fine at 1300, but your doc felt this was way in the "high" end of the normal range, so you dropped your B-12 supps., and now, you're at, say, 300, you're still "normal," but, you don't feel good anymore, which may mean that being in the "high" normal range for B-12 is better for you. I know this was true of me, when my energy lapsed at 7 months out, my B-12 was still in the "normal" range at 300, but I feel a lot better it is three times higher than that.<P>If you felt good before, try going back to what you were doing before, unless there was some lab level that was truly dangerously high. Just a suggestion!
   — Suzy C.

November 25, 2003
Are your labs still normal after stopping the vitamins? How about iron and B12? I get very tired if either of these are low. How about thyroid? Are you getting enough protein?
   — mom2jtx3

November 25, 2003
I'm 2.5 years out and still have no energy. My labs come out fine too. But I'm not fine. Don't know why I feel as if the sh** has been beat out of me. Yes, I do suffer from life long depression... but I never felt this lack of energy until wls. I had more energy hauling around 319 pounds than 160. Go figure. (I finally stopped the B-12 shots EVERY WEEK (not month) as they were worthless.
   — Danmark

November 25, 2003
Hello, Although I'm 8 months post op, I find that when I don't eat quality protein and quality foods every day. I start to not feel well and I get tiered a lot. What I mean by quality is chicken, fish, meat and quality would be a balanced small meal. Protein and vegetable w/ some carb. The more balanced I am daily the better I feel. However, some day's no matter how balanced I eat, I still feel like I don't have energy. So I'm in the same boat with you. 280/153/140 Best Wishes~
   — Heather S.

November 25, 2003
Hi, I'm a little over 2 1/2 years out. I have normal labs. Have been taking Vit B12 shots weekly, do vitamins fairly regular. Also take a potassium supplement. Feel so tired all the time. I could sleep 18 hours a day. But I don't. Have been making myself excercise 3-4 times weekly at Curves. I eat good quality protein. If anyone one knows what to do to feel better I would really like to know. I don't remember being this tired all the time before. But thats been a while back. Hope someone has the magic cure for this. I am almost ready to try the energy stuff with ephedra in it.
   — Jane L.

November 25, 2003
I have felt the same way, doing all the right things and labs have been good. I asked this question a while back in one of the online chats on this site with a bariatric surgeon and he said I could have a carnitine deficiancy. My doc didn't think so but I still am tired and wondering if I should look into it more. Sometimes I wonder if it's just the quick weight loss.
   — Joan R.

November 28, 2003
Sunny... Last year I had the same symptoms! My PCP could not figure out what was wrong with me. I was so tired and sleepy yet all of my blood work showed nothing. It was horrible!!! My PCP decided to send me to do a sleep study which I thought was crazy. I didnt snore and I was getting 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Well after the study I found out that I have Restless Leg Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Basically in the 6 hours during my study, I kicked 308 times and woke up 115 times. I had no idea that I did any of this!! I was put on Mirapex which is typically used to treat Parkinson Disease and Ambien which is used to help me stay asleep. Within about a week after starting these meds, I felt wonderful!! I had a ton of energy and only needed 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Who knows if you have the same problem, but it is an idea!! Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!!
   — S A.

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