8 days ago I had a revision from VBG to Proximal RNY. It was a very difficult surgery

My stomach was adhered to my liver and had to be seperated and I had the largest hernia he had ever seen. Surgery took almost 7 hours. My question..1) I've been home since Monday and have incredible belching. One sip of water and I'll burp 6-7 times in the next minute. Happens will food (only eating a liquid diet( also and sometimes for no reason. Anyone else experience this and do you know what causes it. 2) Dr. said I would have alot of pain because of the size of the hernia, however I've found that one of my major concerns is that I can't get comfortable...have alot of both lower and upper back pain, right shoulder pain etc, I can't get comfortable in bed, on couch, easy chair etc. I've tried all types of pillows in all positions and nothing helps. Not sleeping well (5-6 hours a night broken up into 2-3 periods.) Has anyone else experienced this and what causes it and how long does it last??    — ellen R. (posted on September 9, 1999)

September 9, 1999
You're going to be uncomfortable for a while yet. I am two weeks post op from a revision and my surgeon says 3-4 months before I'll feel 100% again, but I am sleeping somewhat normally at this point, I just took a couple tylenol p.m.'s last nite and slept pretty well. With the amount of work he did in there you might take a while before you start noticing a little less and less discomfort. Has he given you any pain meds to help? If not, ask for some. You probably haven't had your stitches/staples out yet. That will cause a BIG relief in the discomfort. Trust me I've slept better in the two days since they came out that I had in a week! As for the belching ... are you sipping little tiny sips or big gulps? You need to be sipping tiny tiny! You're still swollen inside and that doesn't allow much intake at all without discomfort. You'll also find you're going to be eating and drinking at different times. You shouldn't drink fluids at the same time as you eat, 1) because you don't want to stretch the pouch and 2) because you want to get as much nutrition in your system as possible. And you'll not do so if you drink and eat at the same time. Speak with your Doc. I'm sure he'll have suggestions for you too, based on your own personal experience and your surgery. Best of Luck!
   — Sherrie G.

September 9, 1999
Ouch! I burped & burped & burped. For weeks. It didn't hurt or feel bad, tho. It seems to be common after RNY. AS for feeling sorre all over, although I didn't attend my surgeries, my understanding is that we're on a "plate" and they can tip us hither & yon to move organs easily. Also, they part the muscles & such like curtains to get in there to wonder around. And plant burps for later annoyance! But there has been a terrific invasion, so of course, you feel as if you have been hit by a train. You HAVE, trauma wise. Just don't let your body know you authorized it, OK?
   — vitalady

September 9, 1999
can only help with the "belching" aspect of your problem....I'm having the same thing and I am six days surgeon says it is from the new pouch "rubbing" or "tickling" or "irritating" your diaphram.....he says it will eventually subside.....
   — pam.leach

September 9, 1999
You've only had 8 days! You are lucky to be home in 8 days after revision surgery. Give yourself some time. Walk around as much as you can and remain calm. Time will improve things.
   — Bruce B.

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