I can't Sleep!!!!!!!!

I have had 4 hours of sleep last night, 5 the night before. I just can't shake this. I am less than a week away from surgery, and it seems like I just can't sleep through the night. I try to fall asleep and I just can' mind races with thoughts of not just excitement, but worries, complications, etc. Does anyone know if there is an over the counter medication I can take that won't interfere with my ability to have the surgery?? I know we can't have any products with asprin, but what about tylonol PM? I just need some rest. I am worried that if I don't get enough sleep at night, I am going to get a little "wierd" in a few days and I don't want to have any "issues" with anyone prior to surgery!!! did that even make sence? Please respond to me with any words of wisdom you might have. I know that this site has been a wonderful source of comfort to me during this time in my of the biggest decisions I have ever had to make...even child birth was easier than this! ;) Thanks everyone!    — Marni R. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
I would ask your doc first - But just for the record: A Tylenol PM dose is 2 pills, which gives you the sme medicine that is is 2 regular strength Tylenol and ONE benadryl. When I need sleep, i just take 1 (half an adult dose for allergies) Benadryl. Cheaper, by a lot, and you aren't getting medicine (tylenol) that you may not need. This should be no problem with your surgeon, but ASK!
   — M. A. B.

November 7, 2001
My surgeon told me it was OK to take medications as long as it was NOT aspirin or does not contain aspirin, or any blood thinners. I would not take anything a couple of days before except regular Tylenol. Good Luck I hope things get better for you.
   — [Anonymous]

November 7, 2001
Hey, I was the same way. After a week I started sleeping from exhaustion. Probably should of gotten something from my doc to sleep. Your normal, read my profile, espically the post op info to feel better.
   — bob-haller

November 7, 2001
Hi Marni: I had the same problem before my surgery. I was afraid to take any medication before surgery so I found that if I took a walk before bed, the exercise seemed to calm me down. Besides that it got me ready for all the walking after surgery!! hehe Try that and if that doesnt help, I would certainly check with your Dr before taking anything at all. Best wishes to you!
   — Donna S.

November 7, 2001
Hi Marni! Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Here is something I do when I am a HUGE ball of nerves and can't sleep. Actually I do this anytime I'm nervous. But it is so relaxing it puts me to sleep. Lay in bed, hands on belly or by your side. Close your eyes. Now concentrate on one thing only: breathing. Imagine your diaphram(sp?) is a balloon. When you breathe in, take a deep breath; your diaphram gets filled with air, distending your abdomen. Now let it out and your diaphram will collapse, your abdomen will go back down. Really, really concentrate on this. I'd be willing to bet withing 10 minutes you're asleep. Your body will become so relaxed focusing solely on breathing that all your anxiety will disappear. I know it sounds a tad loony - but it works for me like a charm. Good Luck!!
   — Pamela P.

November 7, 2001
Hi Marni, I am in the same boat as you. I was thinking of asking the exact same question. My surgery is in 2 days, and I have gotten about 5 hours a night the past week. I am exhausted, and as soon as I think that I am so tired that when I go to bed I will just crash, the opposite happens. I just lay there and think think think. I am so wired, I don't know what to do with myself. Whatever you do, do not take anything that is anti-inflammatory, or aspirin products, but you probably already know that. I agree with the other poster about Benadryl. I will be partaking in one myself. Good Luck with the surgery, we will be on the other side before we know it.
   — Cheri M.

November 7, 2001
I too am just a ball of nerves most of the time (not from the surgery but from my 3 little angels-growl) and when I feel like its going to be one of those nights I take 2 Kava Kava Pills. They are a natural relaxer kinda like St. Johns Wort but quite a bit stronger. If you do decide to take these call your doctor first to find out if this is OK for you to take. Good Luck!!
   — mastrnservnt

November 7, 2001
I know EXACTLY what you are going through. My surgery is only a little over a week away (November 16th), and I'm totally exhausted... during the day... seems at night, I wake up as soon as my head hits the pillow... I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!
   — Janet C.

November 7, 2001
Marnie, I totally relate. I have no trouble at all falling asleep because I'm so exhausted from waking at 2 or 3 in the morning and staying awake for a couple of hours or even the whole day. I'm fortunate in that I'm a stay at home mom with all the kids in school this year so I can grab a quick nap when I need one. Ive always had anxiety related insomnia. The obesity makes me uncomfortable in my back and hips and that doesn't help. Actually I think its the aching that wakes me up and the anxieties that keep me up. Hopefully after some weight loss this will subside. But just know when you are going crazy in the middle of the night, you arent alone!! (Sometimes you can find fellow insomniacs in the chatroom here during the night, thats gotten me thru to morning on several occassions). Good Luck.
   — Donna L.

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