Has anyone experienced a stabbing like pain in the abdominal area? I'm 7

weeks post op and yesterday (Friday)I went to bend down and suddenly got this weird pain on the left side of my abdominal area. The pain isn't unbearable but it's uncomfortable and I'm worried I may have done something to hurt my tummy. It almost feels like little needles stabbing me. I had open Rny.I'm wondering if anyone else has gone through this. If I still have this pain on Monday I will contact my doctor. Thanks in Advance.    — Nicole B. (posted on April 29, 2000)

April 29, 2000
I had the same pain you described. I was told by my doctor it was muscle and that it would just take time to heal. Mine actually lasted a long time, maybe a month or two. I use to bind myself and that helped a lot. It is always best though to check with your doctor.
   — hannah R.

July 21, 2000
Yes I have that I am 6 weeks post-op and my pinching and burning pain is on both sides of my belly button. By the end of the work day it's real bad. Burning and pinching, I told my doctor and he gave me a cortsione shot on each side and it helped alittle but it's still there. My doctor said it was muscle and need to heal.
   — Phyllis L.

August 8, 2002
I am currently having the same problem. I am having pains on the left side of the abdomin. My surgeon said it is probally muscles healing, and to try mild stretching. I will see how this works for me and get pack to you.
   — Glenn F.

August 8, 2002
Yes, I had that at about 3 weeks out after I lifted my duffle bag which was obviously too heavy to be lifting at that point. I just really rested for 1 day and the next day that stabbing pain (which felt like a staple at come undone inside of me) went away..Thank God..I guess it's just healing like everyone says it is..
   — terri K.

August 8, 2002
Hi! I'm 9 weeks postop and I have an achey-burney-gassy pain on my left side. It's tolerable, thank goodness because neither tylenol nor Gax-X seem to make a difference. I hurts most when I'm sitting, or bending at the waist and it hurts least when I'm standing straight or stretched out in bed. It started around 6 weeks and seems to be hanging around longer than I expected. My doc's office says it is common because that's where the most trauma was done by the instruments/cameras, I had a lap, and that its healing from the inside now. Sure wish it would go away, but like I said, it is tolerable during the day, seems a bit worse in the evening, and gone when I lay in bed and sleep on it. Hope yours gets better soon.
   — Denise D.

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