Can anyone tell me what might be next?

Hi all i posted a question last week and thanks to all who answered. Well i'm almost 5 months post-op and not able to eat. I saw my Dr. Wednesday and he right away sent me for a EGD, Well the Dr who did that said she could not find anything wrong except my new stomach was a bit irrated. She thought maybe some of the meds i take could be making me sick. Well the two she talked most about is some that i haven't taken for about two weeks. So i pretty much ruled that out. So my question is does anyone know what the Dr might do next? I'm always so sick at my stomach and not able to keep any food down at all. Now is even getting hard to keep liquids down. Any help out there? Thanks in advance.    — Nancy K. (posted on December 15, 2001)

December 14, 2001
If you are unable to keep any food or liquids down, you could possibly have a stricture. Although 5 months is late in getting one but I did hear that you can get one at any time. I hope this gets resolved for you.
   — Cheri M.

December 14, 2001
Sounds like you need scoped ASAP, and put on a ant acid like prevecid to help the irritation.
   — bob-haller

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