Seeking fair-skinned, 30-something, lightweight post ops to answer this question.

I know...good luck in getting an answer from such a narrow segment of the population, but I thought i'd try. i've finally been approved and have a date (7/3/03, woohoo!) and am very happy i will have an opportunity to use such a powerful tool to get healthy. However...I'm trying to find out from any fair-skinned, 30-something, lightweight female post-ops how bad their panni is (if any), and how their thighs look as well. My highest weight ever was 240, but I've been between 180 and 220 for most of my adult life. Just wanted to try and get a feel for how bad my skin will sag. And yes, I've had two children. Any input would be greatly appreciated.    — sweetmana (posted on June 3, 2003)

June 3, 2003
I'm 36 years old. I'm fair skinned and my starting weight was 232lbs. I've fluctuated between 200 and 220 for many years. I blossomed to 232 right before surgery. I'm only 7 weeks post op, tomorrow. I'm down to 195lbs, and I'm in shock over my panni! FLAB! FLAB! FLAB! It is awful. I'm praying that exercising at Curves will help, but I don't think it will definitely take it away. I've never had children. So,I was actually pretty firm before surgery. My boobs were definitely firm and nice looking. NOT NOW!!! YUCK! I've got loose skin and not happy about it. I'm really hoping exercise helps. I keep pulling muscles where I've not been able to do so. I am walking though. This doesn't firm me up though! I hope this helps. Good luck!
   — Lisa C.

June 3, 2003
Well, I am a redhead, fair skinned, and 34 years old. I was 248 before my surgery. But since I am only 6 weeks post-op, I can't answer you yet. Sorry! I've lost about 30 pounds, and don't notice any loose skin yet.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 3, 2003
Nobody ever shares how tall they are, it makes a difference. I'm 5'9", 44 years old, started out at 275, am down to 173 pounds, at goal and my extra skin isn't too bad. I could use a little tuck here and there. A wise physician I know told me that gastric bipass patients are never happy with the way they look naked!
   — Laureen59

June 3, 2003
I am "fair skinned". I am 5'7" and started at 230. I am now 18 months post op....and weigh about 120, give or take a pound or two depending on what time of the month it is. LOL I did need a tummy tuck, which I had last Dec. I needed a tummy tuck no matter what...I have 4 kids. Nothing else is saggy or baggy. Oops...except my boobs. I really need a boob job. (sorry guys). I went from a DD to a B cup. I need a little "nip and tuck" there. Everything else looks GREAT!! What a gift this surgery has been. Good Luck!!
   — skymaxjr

June 3, 2003
Oops....forgot to mention....I am 38 years old. :)
   — skymaxjr

June 3, 2003
Sorry - you are so right about the height. It is another major blow against me. I am (now) 5'1". I say "now" because up until about 2 years ago, I was 5'2". Maybe the weight has taken it's toll on my spine, and after I lose it I'll be back to 5'2"!
   — sweetmana

June 3, 2003
Hi. I am 37 and fair skinned. I am one year post op RNY. My starting weight was 272 height 5"5. I was overweight, >230 lbs since age 21. My current weight is 146. My stomach and waist look quite small in clothes. With clothes off, I have some lose skin around my lower abd. It hangs about 1/2 inch. My thighs look fine in clothes. I wear a size 10, but they look really bad without clothes. Hope this helps! Good luck with your surgery!
   — maryburton

June 3, 2003
Hi! I too am fair skinned and was a "light" weight. Highest weight was 232. I am 34 y/o, 5'3" and weighed 226 on the day I had the surgery which was almost 13mnths ago. Today I am about 136-138, wear a size 6/8 jeans depending on the cut. I might be smaller because some 6s are a bit baggy. Anyway... I had a c section about 12 yrs ago so my stomach was already a bit droopy. I don't "need" a tummy tuck but I am toying with the idea. I can wear a 2 piece without feeling ashamed. I lost slowly so my skin had time to shrink with me. I do have one picture on my profile from a couple months ago, you can see for yourself that my double chins just disappeared (wink) Don't get me wrong, I have a little bit of sagging in the mid section but even in tight jeans its hardly even noticeable, except for me but then again, I am really my own worst critic. When I mention getting a tummy tuck people look at me like I've lost my mind. But then again, they are the same looks I got from them when I said I was having wls. I guess the bottom line is, you are your own judge, and its how YOU feel. So when you get closer to goal, make the decision that will ultimately satisfy you. Good luck!!
   — blueyez2668

June 3, 2003
Talk about short Im only 4'10. Im 32 I weighed 223 day of surgery, im Irish so definately fair skinned and I have one son. I am 10 months post op and ive lost 100lbs. I weighed 222 this morn. I am extremely happy. As for loose skin, its better then fat. I have a bit of loose skin on my stomach but i think it is improving, my arms are a bit saggy and my upper inner thigh is a big saggy. But i wouldnt change it for the world. I am so happy with the way I look in clothes. Heck the only person who sees me with my clothes off is my husband. If he could stand to look at me the way I was before then im sure a little baggy skin isnt going to kill him. My attitude is so much better now, I could dance around the store when I buy new clothes. I bought Hipster size 5 jeans the other day. What a rush that is. Please feel free to email me if youd like to chat. Thanks
   — Colleen B.

June 3, 2003
I'm fair-skinned and 38 years old. My starting weight was 246 and I'm at 211 now. I put on my size 18 bathing suit the other day and was not happy at all with how my thighs looked. As a matter of fact, I cried about it. I realize that I've been carrying 100 extra pounds for 11 years and that I was a lot younger in my thin days, but it was a real slap in the face to see how my legs looked after a 35 pound loss. All I can do is continue to walk, do strength training, and hope for the best.
   — TMF

June 3, 2003
I am fair skinned and had my surgery at age 31 with a BMI of 40. My highest weight was 268 (I am tall almost 5'9")and I had four children. I did not have a lot of sagging skin on my tummy. My legs and arms have o sagging skin. I did have a TT. I had a lot of very deep stretch marks from having four kids. My stomach was not hanging but it did have a "wrinkled" appearance and was a little squishy. I would be happy to send before and after TT pictures to anyone that would like to see them. Just shoot me an email.
   — Linda A.

June 3, 2003
I didn't realize the skin color made a difference in elasticity of skin as well as stretch marks etc. That would be an interesting research problem for our doctors
   — faybay

June 3, 2003
I was 30 when I had WLS, 5'3, 232lbs, fair-skinned. I've never had children. I thought with my age my skin would bounce back pretty well, but that is NOT the case! My stomach is wrinkly and hang-y and OMG the stretch marks make weird patterns on my skin. I definitely need a TT. My upper thighs are really gross, too. Same thing with the stretch marks. I really thought that with being a "lightweight" I'd end up looking OK, but sadly that's not the case.
   — Angie M.

June 3, 2003
I am 5'7", 30 years old and fair skinned. I had three kids, in under three years, with my last being 9# 3oz and 23" long...and I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy. Needless to say, I have my own road map! LOL! Three years ago I got down to 185 from 260 and believe it or not, my stomach shrank back up! Now I'm down to 203 and it looks like it just may happen least I hope. Right now, I still have a slight droop to my flab, which may, or may not get better - or worse...I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. Now if I could just find a way to 're-zip' all of those stretch marks! As far as the thighs...they seem a bit saggier this do the arms. But you know, even if I ended up looking like would be nothing compared to being morbidly obese. Hope that helps!
   — eaamc

June 4, 2003
Well, my stats are pretty close to yours. I am 5'1". I am 31 years old and fair skined. I started at 232. I am now down to 124. My stomach is by no means flat, but it dosn't hang or look too bad. It is fine. I have had a baby and don't ever really expect my stomach to be flat. My thighs and boobs, however are another story. My thighs look absolutely terrible and saggy. My boobs are about 2 cup sizes smaller and they look, well, deflated. None of these problems are serious enough for insurance to cover surgery. If I win the lottery, my thighs and boobs would get fixed. I'd probably leave my stomach alone.
   — Amber L.

June 18, 2003
Hey there- I'm almost five months post op. I'm 5'3" and started at 246#, now down to 180 (size 22/24 to size 14). I have fair skin and have one child, so I was stretch-mark central before the surgery and I have noticed oddly enough that some of my stretch marks are more pronounced now than they were preop! HOWEVER, my panni is not a problem as I'd expected it to be...since I am losing relatively slowly my skin seems to be "shrinking to fit". And my extra chins have faded without leaving much sag---the sag's all concentrated in my breasts, which truly are starting to look like "tube socks with tennis balls in them" as someone on this board once put it. Actually, my chest was the first place that I noticed the weight loss, as "the girls" got much less dense and heavy almost right away. I just roll 'em up and stuff them in my smaller bra (down to a B from a C/D before) and smile! One word of caution to you though--about your skin. I've always burned and freckled easily and for some reason that seems to be worse since the surgery (although perhaps just because I don't cover every inch anymore). And my complexion changed radically for the first three months post--blotchy, itchy, and breakouts on my another fairskinned person, I'd suggest paying close attention to sunscreen and vitamins!
   — gamboge

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