How will surgery effect insulin?

I am an insulin dependent diabetic and take 4 shots per day. I have an appt. to discuss surgery options. How will the surgery effect insulin amounts since I will only be able to consume a small amount of food. I tend to have low blood sugars/insulin reactions.    — Lori K. (posted on June 29, 2001)

June 29, 2001
Good news for you. If your type 2 you will likely be off all diabetic medecines including insulin over time. Initially you will be off all medicines once surgery is over because you will be eating nearly nothing. Of course everyone is different, but 85% of type 2s are cured. Good luck.
   — bob-haller

June 29, 2001
Hi! I was on 2 shots of insulin a day plus amaryl and actos prior to my surgery on April 27. I haven't needed insulin since I went into the hospital and about 4 weeks after the surgery I went off the amaryl. Hopefully soon I will also be off the actos. The key thing is to talk to your pcp or endocrinologist, whoever prescribes your diabetes medication about how to handle weining yourself off. And, test, test test your blood sugar level. When I first came home from the hospital I was testing religiously 4 times a day, more if I felt funny. This will be especially important if you are prone to low sugar reactions. Hope that helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. Good Luck! Cheryl
   — cheryl R.

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