Has anyone on here ever NOT dumped at all???

I am confused about the whole "Dumping" Phenomenon. I am not even two weeks post op and I can carefully eat some soft solids and even have experiemneted with some "unusual" foods and have NOT had any dumping! Its not that I WANT it, LOL, but I am trying to figure out why its so common in most of the folks Ive talked to! I even had two bites of pizza today. and a good sized hunk of watermelon! Any comments from anyone who is finding the food thing a bit more liberal than everyone says? Lisa    — Lisa G. (posted on September 2, 2001)

September 2, 2001
Hi Lisa. I am approximately 10 weeks post and have never thrown up. I have had some nausea on occasion but it is rare. I have been fine with foods and at the beginning wondered why I wasn't having the problems a lot of my friends were having. I have decided not to get too concerned. Lately (like in the last week) I have found that my tastes are changing. It seems like I taste the oil first in any food cooked in oil. That usually makes me not want to eat it. I have been eating regular foods for quite some time now. I have no problems with meats or any of the other things some people warned me about. I find that I will forgo the bread in most meals because I consider it wasted space. I'm really into salads with meat on them lately. Be happy that you are assimilating well. And quit experimenting with stuff you're probably not supposed to eat. It's too early to mess around (here is a mental smack on the hand from me :-). Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

September 2, 2001
I am about ten weeks post-op from laparascopic RNY and have not experienced dumping syndrome. I have not consumed significant quantities of high sugar or high fat foods either. Apparently dumping comes as a result of eating either of these in concentrated amounts. It seems that everyone has a different level of sensitivity to sugar and fat. I not really looking forward to finding my limit, but I may slip up and find out the hard way. I found a good desciption of Dumping Syndrome at this web site: <br>"Dumping Syndrome - one of the key features that helps a patient control calorie intake after Gastric Bypass is the fact that food leaves the tiny stomach pouch only into a section of the small intestine called the jejunum. This pathway for the food is the "Roux-en-Y" part of the full name for the procedure, and it matters because the jejunum is simply not made to handle concentrated calories, especially refined sugar. The effect of this is that if a person consumes sugar after a gastric bypass (such as ice cream, chocolate candy, or a soda) the presence of the sugar in this segment of intestine will create a reaction called dumping syndrome that affects the whole body. An episode of dumping shows up as palpitations (heart racing), a sweaty and clammy feeling, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, and then a feeling of weakness during which the person simply must lay down for an hour or so until it passes. Dumping syndrome is not dangerous, but it feels awful. It is not exactly a side effect, in the sense that works in a beneficial way by steering patients away from that type of food. "
   — Jonathan M.

September 2, 2001
I had LAP RNY June 12,2001...I have never dumped so far and I will be honest..I drink sugared drinks.. ;o( My biggest problems are drinking to soon after a meal,bread and some meats. To date I have lost 51LBs YIPEE!! I wish you the best of luck and would never advise you to rush your Post Op diet!
   — Stephanie B.

September 2, 2001
   — crabtree

September 2, 2001
I am 8 1/2 months post-op and can honestly say, I've not had a problem. I did have what I thought was dumping ONCE, about two weeks post op. Never had it since. I can drink milk and eat dairy products, drink juices straight, I eat breads, although very small amounts and not daily, and I actually can have some candy or some cake or pie. Again, the key is moderation. I had cake maybe two or three times since surgery, for birthdays. I may treat myself to a bite sized candy now and again, but not very often. The thing I'm grateful for is not being sick, and being able to eat like a "normal" person.
   — Maria H.

September 2, 2001
Hi, I have never dumped. I am 4 months post-op and can eat about anything. That's the problem. I have been way too experimental with eating and subsequently plateaued for almost a month. I was testing my body way too soon to see if I would tolerate sugars and carbs. I do, and unfortunatly was not losing weight. I was eating small amounts of food, but if it's all junk, there's no way to lose weight. Moderation is the key. If you can tolerate these foods, good for you. Just be careful. They are the same exact foods that got us to this point to begin with. Good luck!
   — arialee

September 3, 2001
Dumping is not a side-effect of all weight loss surgeries, just RNY. Also, not everyone experiences it. I have dumped but I have NEVER vomited. I'm getting close to a year and 1/2 postop RNY.
   — Cindy H.

September 3, 2001
Lisa, I'm coming up on 9 weeks post-op (Lap RNY). I can honestly say that I've never once thrown up, nor have I ever dumped. I haven't found a single food yet that I cannot eat and I've tried pretty much *everything*. Hope this helps!
   — CaseyinLA

September 3, 2001
I had surgery in may of 2000...I have never dumped...but I havent eaten sugar at all..down 150 pounds now
   — Tracey W.

October 25, 2001
I am 11 weeks post-op & I have never dumped. I do not eat anything with more than 10-15 grams of sugar though.
   — [Anonymous]

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