Calories/Carbs/Sugar when chewing something then spitting it out?

   — Jazzy (posted on February 5, 2004)

February 5, 2004
Probably very minimal...but I HIGHLY suggest you just STAY AWAY FROM THAT STUFF !!!! There are PLENTY of nice sweet SUGAR FREE treats you can have instead !!matter of fact, I just made some fudge with splenda tonight-
   — WABBIT F.

February 5, 2004
First, you can dump from chewing sugary gum, so it is possible that the sugars from the stuff you are chewing and spitting out can make it into your system. Secondly, if you are chewing treats and spitting them out, you need to assess why you are engaging in what is potentially dangerous behavior. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

February 5, 2004
I don't know exactly how much is absorbed, but my surgeon states that carbs do begin to be broken down in the mouth.
   — Fixnmyself

February 5, 2004
Carbs are the one group that actually starts to digest in our mouth. There is an enzyme in our saliva that immediately starts to break them down so that by the time they hit the stomach they are half digested. I would assume from that that carbs are one thing that we do absorb calories, etc... from by doing the chew and spit. It is also why they never hurt your tummy and you can eat so darn much of them.
   — Carol S.

February 5, 2004
I think this would depend entirely on how often you are doing it. If this is an daily routine, then I'd think it was not a good thing to do. If you are somewhere, say once a week, and they have a really good dessert that you'd like to taste, I don't see how tasting a bite and then spitting it out could impede your weight loss. I don't have an exact answer for this, but I don't believe that simply chewing it could cause dumping anyway. In chewing gum, as the other poster mentioned, you are chewing and swallowing and actually digesting the sugar.....and when I say digesting, I don't mean the digestion that begins in the mouth (which it does), but digesting the saliva and sugar that goes down into your stomach. As a nurse and former surgical nurse at BTC, it is my understanding that dumping is caused by sugar going out of the stomach and into the small intestine to a part of the small intestine that wouldn't normally see sugar (since the part that would normally see the sugar is bypassed) is when the sugar reaches this point that dumping don't dump the minute you put something sweet into your mouth. If you chose to chew something sugary and then spit it out, yes some of it would be digested, but it is digested into the bloodstream (like when you take a medication that you let dissolve under the tongue) and not digested in the stomach to travel on down through the intestine. If a person was going to dump simply by putting a sugared food in their mouth, then people who didn't have our surgery would be dumping also. Blood sugar goes up when digesting sugar in the mouth or anywhere in the intestine, but the act of BS rising is not what makes us dump....if this was the case, we'd dump on ANY kind of sugar, including fructose (fruit sugar) and lactose (milk sugar). Hope this helps....and feel free to check this out with your surgeon. For recipe information for desserts using fructose and Splenda, visit my website at
   — Lynette B.

February 6, 2004
Although the prior poster's analysis is fundamentally sound, I think that it is impossible to put something in your mouth, chew it and then spit it out and not end up swallowing some portion of it-- particularly if it contains sugars that will be quickly broken down in your mouth and then passed through your stomach into your intestine. Consequently, some of the sugars that are broken down can make it into the intestine and cause dumping.
   — SteveColarossi

February 6, 2004
Why do that to yourself? Those are the foods that got you (us)in the position that you(we) are in now!! Too many other "good for you" foods out there to have yourself worrying about what is being absorb! Take the control and don't let those "bad" foods have the control! Good Luck! Danette
   — Danette C.

February 6, 2004
Frankly, I can't understand how someone can taste those treats and NOT swallow! I certainly couldn't do it. For me, it would be one big tease...why not just allow yourself a bite or two or something like a donut, cookie or candy if you really want it? You obviously do want it or you wouldnt be flirting with it.
   — Cindy R.

February 6, 2004
Janet, I was doing this with beef jerky and some meats during my 4th weeks because I needed more substance, thinking I was still getting protein, however, my Nutritionist said it does not count. It is best you ask your Nutritionist - my Nutritionist also said for some reason a lot of WLS post-op fail to return to them - a good person in this field has all the answers.
   — Anna M.

May 21, 2006
I have been reading up on chewing and spitting recently because I have recently taken up the habit after being bulimic for about 12months. I don't think it is necessarily a bad practice, as long as it is totally in your control. I eat a very healthy diet normally full of vegetables, fruits, grains and protein, but occasionally I will feel like eating some cake/cookies/chocolate, but what's the point in consuming the calroies when you can still enjoy the flavour and texture, but without all the empty calories???? There seems to be some confusion as to the caloric absorption that occurs in the mouth. I am a med student and know quite a lot about physiology of the gastrointestinal system, and the only places that absorb sugars is the stomach (glucose) and the small intestine (sucrose, lactose, fructose etc). As to all the people who say that digestion begins in the mouth, this is very true, however all that is happeneing is the enzymes in your saliva are breaking down the food, but your not absorbing any of it yet. So the real truth is, that as long as you spit out everything in your mouth, including saliva, you should not ingest too many calories at all. And its actually quite easy to not swallow the food once you have the hang of it. Just don't try it with icecream!!!!!!
   — sarah_dawson

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