want help to stop smoking

This is not a question just something maybe to help ppl trying to stop smoking it as been helping me i too a inkpen apart an cut it down to were its the length of the cigs i smoke an put 1 of the filtes from my cig in it an now i got a cig that does not hurt me i have been doing good with it only smoked 8 cigs yesterday an usally smoke over a pack a day    — wildbrat (posted on February 3, 2002)

February 3, 2002
Beth, I feel your pain. I tried and tried to quit. Patches, cold turkey, locking myself in the bedroom, cutting myself off from all my friends and relative that smoked etc....... Nothing worked, I just knew I'd never be able to quit. I was a "BI*CH" with out a cigarette. They'd just have to bury me with one in my mouth! That is what I had resolved....... until Zyban! Ask your doctor about it! I had absolutely no withdrawel! It does not work for everyone, but it is fantasic for some. I was "one of the some". You maybe too! Good Luck. 9 months smoke free and happy as a Lark!
   — Phiddy B.

February 3, 2002
My PCP prescribed Wellbutrin 150SR (anti-depression med). I was actually taking it to control my hunger (pre-WLS) and it helped to curb the craving for just about anything...even nicotine....Try it.
   — [Anonymous]

February 3, 2002
Yes Welbruprin and Zyban are the same medicine. It is an antidepresant. When doctors use it for smoking sesation they usually prescribe it under the Zyban name. Some insurance companies won't pay for it as "Zyban", but they will pay fot the antidepressant "Welbruprin". Either one is the same. Take that into consideration when finding out if your insurance covers smoking sesation meds.
   — Phiddy B.

February 3, 2002
ohhhhhhhhhh yes, if you take this AFTER surgery, make sure you DON"T get the "SR" aka "time released". It will pass through your system before it is released. I take Wellbrutrin regular, 100mgs 3x a day, and I find that it works as well as the SR did before surgury. I took the SR after surgery and noticed it was not working like it did before surgery. The doctor changed my prescription after I pointed that out to him.
   — Phiddy B.

February 3, 2002
When my husband quit this summer, he first tried Wellbutrin, but ti gave him so many side effects.. the Dr. changed him to catapress (clonidine)patches.. they are a blood pressure med i guess, but are often prescribed to help with withdrawl symptoms, pain relief, and hot flash relief.. strange I know, but this really worked!!. He had tried to quit MANY times before and finally with this he was smoke-free. Worth a try.. only have to change the patch like 1 a week..
   — Allie A.

February 3, 2002
I am 31 and have been smoke free for one year now. I started smoking when I was 15. I NEVER thought I would be able to quit. My hubby and I took a smoking sesation(sp?) class together and have booth been sucessful. We used wellbutrin, the patch and all the support from our group. The drugs helped a lot but I can honestly say none of it would have worked if I had not been ready to quit. I still battle my urge to smoke every day. Take it one day at a time. The big picture is sometimes overwhelming. I felt like God had given me a miracle with the WLS and smoking was just not something I wanted to include in my new healthy body. How could I completely enjoy this new me knowing I was still practicing such an unhealthy, self distructive habbit? I was also using smoking to stuff my emotions which was mentally unhealthy. Did you know that nicotine is harder to quit than heroine? Don't beat yourself up over previous failed attempts. Get help by joining a group. You can do it and you'll be free from thoose stupid cigarettes once and for all.
   — paintnmynails

February 3, 2002
The key to putting down ciggs is to be ready emotionally. If you are not mentally ready to give up this brain "pleasure" it is near impossible. I smoked for almost two years (I am 21 so that is a pretty long time compared to my age). I quit coldturkey in July for 3 months. Then picked them up again right after the Sept. 11 attacks. i couldn't handle all my emotions. I smoked for another 3 months, then finally, New Years Eve, I put them down for good. Not only do I have to be tobacco free for my WLS, I need to be tobacco free for my family. It is selfish to poison your body when you have a child. That child needs you, who are you to throw away your life, it isn't yours to throw away anymore. All I have to do is look in my little girls eyes and I know I can be STRONG! Best to luck for all those trying to quit. It's a struggle, but like WLS it is a struggle worth trying! Peace and LOVE to all!
   — Kicker

February 3, 2002
Unfortunately there is no miracle cure to quit smoking, I stopped 8 months ago to have surgery (it was my private test for myself) I never thought I could do it, never even tryed to quit before. I used the patch it's very hard but it's doable, I kept thinking that if anything is this hard to quit I don't want to do it in the first place, I'm getting rid of 2 addictions in one swoop (food & tabacco) yeah go..Disgressing, me? never!
   — Diane B.

February 4, 2002
Hi. I quit smoking in July of 2001. This is my 3rd time but so far "3rd times a charm". I quite the first 2 times when i found out I was pregnant and the 3rd for myself. It was hard smoking almost 2 packs in a day to nothing. I used a few patches but they would burn my arm, so after that week I used my other method "hand - to- mouth".FOOD FOOD FOOD! Of my--big mistake! I have gained 50 pounds since July. Hopefully- I will take care of that habit too when I have the surgery:) I encourge everyone to stop smoking before surgery. What good is it to be happy slim and trim and not be here to enjoy it? I am 26 and have two little ones and I want to be there for them. Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT! Check out the inhaler too. My friend said it is great esspecially if you have a hand to mouth habit like most of us.
   — alison D.

February 4, 2002
I am 45 years old and have smoked since I was 18 years old. I tried to quit before my surgery and it was impossible. My nerves couldn't take it. Since the day of my surgery I have not smoked once and its been almost 7 weeks now. I have been tempted to smoke a couple of times but the feeling passes. I have been having bad HEAD HUNGER PAINS that smoking don't mean nothing to me. All I want is pizzas and seafood, and mexican food!!! Of couse, I don't eat this stuff but it drives my brain crazy. Smoking was easy and maybe the same will happen for you. Best of Luck!!!
   — Laura G.

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