How soon can I go to Disneyworld after LAp RnY?

Disney World after a Lap Rny? I am hoping to have my surgery in May and we are planning to go to Disney in Sept. Is that too soon? I feel that I am a fast healer.. I was up and at them in no time after my c-section.. Thanks in advance..    — Cheryl_J (posted on February 12, 2002)

February 12, 2002
I think that will be plenty of recovery time, especially for a Lap procedure. I had a Lap VBG in August and was totally normal 1-2 months later! (By normal I mean, so used to it that I forgot I even had it done!) Have fun!
   — Amy E.

February 12, 2002
I am 3 months post op and going to Disney World in 6 weeks. That is about the same amount of time that you will be also. I will be going March 29-April 2. Feel free to email me to ask me my experience. I can't wait!!
   — Cheri M.

February 20, 2002
Hi, I too am having lap/rny in march and headed to disney world in June! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be ok! I am curious, my doctor gives his patients a card that tells the procdure and that we have had it done and ask that the restaurant allow us to eat off the kids menus or small any of the wdw restaurants accept this card???
   — Sandi B.

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