Back to work & having a hard time feeling okay

I will be 4 weeks post op thursday. I returned to work this monday. I have no energy or desire to go. Real down. Is this normal. Will it get better....    — angela K. (posted on December 11, 2002)

December 11, 2002
You will start feeling better. I am 7 wks out and just getting my energy back. I had a B12 shot at 4 wks and get another next week. The nurse said the second one will make alot of difference. I can now make it through the day without needing a nap and can stay up past 9:00pm. Hang in there.
   — Tawnda C.

December 12, 2002
You will feel better once you are in you old routine and you are hearing the compliments that go with your weight loss. If you continue to dread work it maybe time to look at changing jobs. Once you have success in the weight loss part of your life you start to want success in other areas of your life. If you are not excersising committ to a program of excersize today. It will bulid you stamina and help you feel so much better about yourself. Good Luck.
   — Constance G.

December 12, 2002
Angela, it took me a good 6 weeks to get my energy back. As soon as I got on solid foods and was able to eat and drink more, it gradually got better. Also, you may feel a little down over the next few months due to hormones. When we lose weight rapidly, lots of hormones are released and many early post-ops are depressed for a short period of time. That, too, shall pass, and if you need help getting thru it, ask the doctor for some short term meds (remember non-time released meds for better absorbtion)
   — Cindy R.

December 12, 2002
It took me 8 weeks to feel like leaving my house. I would do errands before that but didn't want too. I had no energy at all. Tomorrow will be 10 weeks and it is so much better! Good luck! God Bless!
   — Kristi T.

December 13, 2002
I had no energy right after surgery too. I think it was a combination of the soreness (I was an OPEN RNY) and the anethesia leaving my system.... plus, I was on a liquid diet for 3 weeks. I was getting virtually no carbs. Once I started on solid foods I felt so much better. Im 5 months post op and I have so much energy that my skinny hubby cant keep up!!
   — Valerie H.

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