So how long is everyone wearing their binder?

I am 2 months post-op and still wearing my binder. I find it sort of comforting. How long did you wear yours? And what is the real purpose for the binder? Thanks!    — Pamela P. (posted on February 20, 2002)

February 19, 2002
Its too support your belly while you heal. But if you wear it a lot for extended periods your tummy muscles will weaken, and have trouble supporting themselves. Some folks appear to enjoy the feeling, thois uestion has comne up before.
   — bob-haller

February 19, 2002
I've been wondering this too! At a support group meeting I went to one of the people there claimed that if you keep wearing it your scar wont' be as bad. We all ended up lifting our shirts to compair scars...LOL! I don't know if she was right or not but the people that had quit wearing their binders after 6 weeks (including me) did have more protruding scars. <p>I quit wearing mine because I was concerned about my muscles weakening like the previous poster said.
   — Barbi B.

February 20, 2002
My doctor told me I could quit wearing my binder when I saw her for my two week check-up. She told me I could wear it if I felt like I needed to, but I didn't HAVE to anymore.
   — DonnaCarol

February 20, 2002
I stopped wearing mine the day after surgery. It just was such a pain to get on. I asked the Doc and he said that as long as I was happy then it was not a problem. It was just for my own comfort. I don't know about protruding scars, I guess I will find out since I am only 5 days post op.
   — Ruth S.

February 21, 2002
I am still waiting for my WLS, but I had to wear a binder after my hysterecomy and the dr told me it is because they cut through your muscles and this helps to keep everything in place, so the chance of a hernia is not as great. Hope this info helped.
   — Emile N.

February 22, 2002
I am 10 days post op and sometimes I wear it and sometimes I dont...sometimes it makes things feel better and sometimes it seems to agravate my discomfort.
   — Joelle B.

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