How soon are you able to go back to class after lap RNY? It's only a few hours a day

I have seen that most people take about 2-3 weeks off of a full-time job to recover after surgery. I do not have a job now, but will be in school full time when I have surgery. I will only have to be in class for a maximum of 4 hours a day. My surgery is supposed to be lap RNY. I was just wondering if anyone had been able to go back to class in a week or less. I have already taken as much time off as I can, and can't afford to wait another semester to get surgery. I'd love to hear from others who did this in the middle of a semester! Thanks!    — Susan B. (posted on July 19, 2002)

July 19, 2002
I had an open RNY and I went back to class in two weeks. I felt like I could of went back after a week but I have to drive 45min to class. I was off my pain meds but I did not want to chance it. I told let my professors know ahead of time I would be gone and most were okay with emailing me additional information about class assignment etc.(You can give them a Dr. Order up front) I think you should ask your surgeon what he feels. But if you are just sitting in class and listening to lecture it would be no different than sitting at home watching TV right? If after your surgery you feel it would be pushing it, make the right decision to sit out another week. I did my surgery during the Spring term and my college worked with me 100%. My grades were not as good as they have been but I also missed two weeks of lecture. The little bit of the drop in my GPA was well worth the results this surgery has given me. I wish you well....
   — Christy B.

July 19, 2002
I'm scheduled to have open RNY on 7/31, which is right in the middle of my summer term. First of all, I dropped back to the one class that I ABSOLUTELY had to take. Everything else I'm going to pick up in later quarters. Secondly, I had a meeting with my professor about the situation. She was absolutely understanding. When I was scheduling my surgery, I tried to wait until the break between the quarters. However, the BTC showed some concern because it would be really close the expiration on my insurance approval. (My insurance states that I have to have the procedure within 90 days of the approval). I explained all this to my professor. She urged me that my health was more important than anything and to go through with it. I do have a very close friend who will give me copies of lecture notes and class discussions, but I understand that does not substitue for being there. Bottom line, don't push it. If you don't feel like going, do not. Your professors should be understanding that your health comes first. Good Luck! Tiffany =)
   — Tiffany D.

July 19, 2002
I had my lap RNY on a Tuesday, was discharged on that Thursday, and went back to work full-time on the following Wednesday (8 days). I had an office job with a moderate amount of walking and which involved no lifting. I had not taken any pain medication since the previous tummy was sore and I certainly wouldn't have wanted anyone to bump into me, but other than that I was not uncomfortable at all....walking, bending, sitting were all fine. I was more tired than usual, but I think that that is always an after-effect of general anesthesia. For the first couple of weeks, I allowed myself alot of very early bedtimes. I felt completely back to normal in every way by the third week post-op. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

July 20, 2002
I am currently 11 days post-op. Everyone is different, but I could have gone to a four hour class in about 6-7 days after surgery. I feel perfectly fine now.
   — Joanie J.

July 20, 2002
I had my lap-rny surgery on 6/4 Tuesday--discharged on 6/6 Thursday and didn't take any pain meds once home so I was driving on Friday to the store and the following Monday I worked from home but was so stir crazy that I went in to the office on Tuesday 6/11 and have worked since with no trouble!
   — Bambi C.

July 21, 2002
Susan, am I the only one whose had a long, extended recovery? I had to take 3 weeks off post-op from my full-time job, and still wasn't in good order. I waited a month before I took classes, and found it was really hard. It's getting better now. Just be aware that everyone is different.
   — Heather H.

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