i was reading that someone took

viactiv are we able to? if not is there anything else that is smaller that we can take then the "goat pills"... thanks in advance, debbie    — debbie S. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
Yes you can use that type of calcium. It is almost like a daily treat also. Enjoy.....Faith
   — Faith M.

August 15, 2002
NO! NO! NO! Viactiv is calcium carbonate. You are having a RNY and will not absorb that type of calcium. You need calcium citrate. There are several ways you can get it. TwinLabs has chewable wafers, there are liquid versions, too. I take 500 mg capsules 2 x day. Viactiv tastes good but if you take it after RNY you are just eating candy, not taking calcium.
   — ctyst

August 15, 2002
I have been taking VIACTIV since I was about two weeks pre-op. Very yummy treats you sometimes forget it is a calcium supplement. They usally run about 6 bucks at walmart.. I recommend the chocolate and carmel.
   — HelpMeRhonda !!

August 15, 2002
Hi... I do not use Viactiv but use GNC's brand of the same thing in caramel and chocolate. I chew 1 2x a day and also take magnesium which bonds with the calcium. I know some say we must use calcium citrate but my Dr. said this is ok and they taste great. My best to you.
   — AJC750

August 15, 2002
Cheri is right,people! Listen up. If you have had the RNY you need calcium citrate and not carbonate. The Viactiv and other chewables tend to be carbonate and your system will not absorb the calcium needed. I have met several long term post-ops in a support group that did not know this after their surgery and ended up with osteoporosis within 6 months, so don't make that mistake. If your looking for a liquid-I hate the horse pills too-try going to and look under calcium. They have a liquid calcium citrate/magnesium/Vit D, that is a thick white orange tasting liquid and you only have to take a tablespoon a day (split in 1/2 twice a day for better absorbtion)
   — Cindy R.

August 15, 2002
Email (Michelle Curran) I believe she has osteoporosis (sorry, don't know how to spell it)because she was told to take calcium carbonate when she had her surgery 7 or so years ago. It's calcium CITRATE that we absorb best.
   — Kim B.

August 15, 2002
Calcium citrate has a new chewable that is fruit flavored it is great-----found mine at walmart
   — Linda L.

August 15, 2002
You know, this calcium citrate/carbonate argument gets old. I asked my surgeon (Dr. Wittgrove), and he said either is really actually fine. Any type of calcium apparently is not absorbed as well, but it seems that it really doesn't matter which you take.
   — Jennifer Y.

August 15, 2002
WE NEED CALCIUM CITRATE!!! Viactiv is useless. I ordered chewable spearmint calcium citrate wafers from, a Canadian company. There's a cartoon on this website that shows people having fun shopping in vitamin stores (used to be restaurants??). I've become one of those, always looking for the palatable calcium supplement! GOod luck!
   — Marti R.

August 16, 2002
Hi Debbie, I take both. Two Viactiv's per day (at least 4 hours apart) and 2 Citri-cal per day (again, at least 4 hours apart). I have heard the same thing that alot of other people have said, WLS people do NOT absorb calcium carbonate, we need calcium citrate. I was only taking Viactiv post-op, until I found out about the calcium carbonate issue. I then switched to ONLY the citri-cal. Before WLS surgery (years before) I had started having leg cramps, and started taking calcium supplements. After WLS, I took Viactiv, as I said earlier. When I switched to Citri-cal, the leg cramps RETURNED! So, that is why I again started the Viactiv, along with the Citri-cal. 2 of each per day, at least 4 hours apart. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 16, 2002
I'm 3 months post-op and I don't know why everyone keeps saying they can't absorb Viactiv. I've been taking 2 a day since surgery and my calcium level is fine. I also haven't had any dairy since surgery so Viactiv is all I get.
   — Traci B.

August 16, 2002
Ah, the calcium citrate versus calcium carbonate debate, again!! So many doctors still recommend Tums or other calcium carbonate sources for WLS post-ops. So does mine, and though I think very highly of him, I think he may be wrong on this point, at least with respect to some patients (and who knows which ones until it is too late). According to some long-term WLS post-ops -- people who've been post-ops for years, not just months -- calcium carbonate isn't absorbed by them sufficiently, and they found out the hard way by developing osteoperosis or signs of it years later. I've read that a calcium deficiency like that isn't likely to show up in your lab results for years, if ever, so it doesn't mean much to say you've been taking calcium carbonate for a few months or even a year or two and you feel great. I've also read that you would really need a Dexascan (very expensive test) in order to know what's really up wid dem bonz. ;) Unfortunately, nobody can yet point to a study that addresses this question definitively, so you aren't going to find bariatric surgeons buying into the debate (and too few track patients long enough to have any idea from their practices). Also, for what it's worth, in my thyroid cancer support group, some of the people suffering from parathyroidism have reported that they, too, do not absorb calcium carbonate adequately and have to use calcium citrate to abate their symptoms. On the other hand, other parathyroid patients said that calcium carbonate worked fine by them. But *nobody* said that calcium citrate failed them. To me, that makes calcium citrate the clear choice, and my doc could care less if I use calcium citrate instead of Tums, as long as I'm getting those calcium supplements in every day. Personally, I wouldn't want to find out, years down the road, that for me, Tums and Viactiv were no more than useless little candies to my poor bones!
   — Suzy C.

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