Would this be a leak?

I'm having a terrible burning pain betweem the incision and where the JP drain was.    — June S. (posted on September 24, 2002)

September 23, 2002
Does not sound like the "classic symptoms" (intense left shoulder pain down into the left ribcage..I over heard this between two surgeons disgussing my leak over a yr ago). Since some of our innards don't have the same sort of pain receptors as others, pain can manifest itself in strange ways. I would always call my surgeon with any concerns and not wait. Best of luck to you. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -130
   — KimBo36

September 23, 2002
I should note that my leak was abdominal...
   — KimBo36

September 23, 2002
call you doc but likely just healing... I had that, unpleasant didnt last long.
   — bob-haller

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