Anyone post-ops find themselves talking too much?

I am nearly 4 months post-op (lap rny 12/23/02) and am wondering if I talk too much about the surgery and the wonderful effect its had on my life (down 102 pounds, 28 more til goal). I am one of the ones who has told anyone and everyone about it, love to answer questions and talk about it. Everyone I know has been very supportive and curious about the whole process. I'm wondering if people may be getting bored with the whole thing now. I'm not, but I don't want to become a "one topic" kinda guy either. :) Anyone else feel this way?    — Smitty B. (posted on April 16, 2003)

April 16, 2003
There is such a thing as too much?!?!?!
   — vitalady

April 16, 2003
WOW! You've lost THAT much just since December. Good for you. You must feel so proud. Of course, you would talk about it. It must be a HUGE change in your everyday life. I am sure there will be those who frown when you talk about it, bu othersd will marvel at your success and devotion to a healthier lifestyle. It is much like having your first child. It is all you can think about. After time, you will get used to the new you and not want to share everything with everyone. But for now, chat away. You deserve to bask in your accomplishment. Take care and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!
   — susan P.

April 16, 2003
Congrats on your great weight loss! i too, have had SUPER results and "talk alot" about the surgery and its effects on my life. and also, like you, i worry about "talking too much about it", but its hard not to when people are CONSTANTLY asking "how have you lost so much weight?", "you look great!", etc. i'll tell you one thing i do though, i talk about it for a little while and then try to turn the conversation back to them or something about them. when i walk away from someone, i don't want them to think, "man, she just talks about herself..." but i did this before my surgery also. i don't want people to "roll their eyes" and think "there she goes again"! LOL!! keep up the good work and smile and ENJOY!! Hugs...Caroline
   — csibila

April 16, 2003
Temple, I am over 16 months post-op and I still talk about my surgery and the changes in my life constantly. Not too long ago, I discovered that I could touch my toes and I showed probaby 20 people, including my surgeon. Little things change and make such an impact on our lives. I enjoy talking about the benefits of this surgery so much that I am seeking a career change that would involve working with WLS patients. Open RNY 11/29/01 TT 2/4/03 -181 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

April 16, 2003
I too am a chattering postie. I wedge the topic in even with strangers. I love pulling out my before pics. I even told my realistate agent who said he "refused to believe I was ever overweight", lol, until I showed him my before pic. I love talking about the benefits and how it's given me a grip on my weight...(w/o preaching though). Keep on talkin! -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -150 (and holding tight)
   — KimBo36

April 16, 2003
ME TOO:( The highlight was calling a local paper they did a story. Gave me lots of opportunities to talk to everyone including total strangers. My surgeon tells me that helped so many people that are now getting surgery. I have stumbled onto people in malls I never met thanking me for getting their life back. That feel great.
   — bob-haller

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