How soon can eat pickles again?

I used to eat a ridiculos amount of dill pickles before my RnY on 7/8/03. It was my snack of choice. I could knock off a gal jar of deli dills inside of a week. Naturally I'll never return to that volume but I would like to have one here and there. I am sure I'll have to demote myself to a smaller kind of dill(spear or chips) Any suggestions? Yeah, I am wierdo about pickles.    — Michael G. (posted on July 19, 2003)

July 18, 2003
I am assuming on mean dill pickles. I eat them all the time since there is 0 sugar in them, be very careful of the sodium content, it can make you hold fluids. Also Mt. Olive brand makes a great bread & butter pickle made with splenda.. It's great when you really want something sweet, and this also has 0 calories....
   — paulsgirl

July 18, 2003
Get the Mt. Olives zero calorie variety (not really sure how they do this). They make a great bread and butter variety that tastes pretty good. They have a new sweet gherkin that is no sugar either and it tastes pretty good too.
   — Cathy S.

July 19, 2003
P.s. Just got back from the grocery store and they now have splenda sweetened relish from Mt. Olive too. So try the line, they're pretty good.
   — Cathy S.

July 19, 2003
i started eating them about 8 weeks post op i figured they were cooked (the ones i had were ) and they are a veggie and the doctor said cooked veggies okay! i will wait a while before i start on the yummy uncooked refriderated types, they are my favorites.
   — janetc00

July 19, 2003
I am so glad you posted this question because I was looking for relish to put in my deviled eggs. Mt. Olive relish with Splenda -- GREAT!
   — Starrlina

July 19, 2003
I tried pickles at about 1 month post-op but found out the hard way it was much too early for me to have pickles. after another month (so about 2 mos. post-op) i was able to tolerate them easier, and now (9 mos. post-op) i can enjoy them with no problems at all! I would advise waiting until you are out of your "soft-foods" stage and well into tolerating full solids before trying pickles. but that's just me. enjoy! :)
   — maurer_power

July 19, 2003
I first tried pickles about 2 months out and had no problems. Initially I didn't eat the skin, just the inside. Then at about 4 months out, I was cutting up pickles to add to tuna salad and started (quickly) munching on 1/2 a pickle...yep! didn't chew the skin good enough and I was vomitting for 4 hours. I've thrown up alot of different things...pickles, by far, is the worst! Enjoy them, but chew chew chew!!! And omit the skin initially. (Haven't eaten them since!)
   — msmaryk

July 20, 2003
Glad you posted this question. I LOVE dill pickles and go on pickle binges (pre-op). I'm glad to know that I will be able to eat them after surgery, just be careful and maybe peel them at first. Enjoy.
   — NewJoolz

July 20, 2003
I am almost 3 weeks post op and I tried a baby dill pickle the other day. I took tiny bites and chewed very well and had no problem. Everyone is different. All you can do is try it when you think you're ready and see how it goes.
   — Jennifer H.

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