I have been suffering from a lump in my throat for a few weeks.

It feels as if I have a golf ball stuck in my throat. I get this a few times a year, but it had always went away after a few days. This has gotten so bad that I can't sleep and I feel as if I am choking to death. I went to the Doctors but my regular PCP was on vacation, so I saw a different Dr. He said he didn't know what was wrong with me (didn't even listen). He told me to see an ear nose and Throat Doc. but I can't get in till after the New Year. Has anyone ever suffered from this? I feel ok when I eat, it actually feels like it goes away. i read some where that it could be a muscle spasm in the throat. Has anyone ever had this problem. I am pre op. Thanks    — Brandyraj (posted on December 12, 2002)

December 11, 2002
For the first week or so after surgery, I had a similar sensation, though not as bad as you're describing. My IM doc said it was esophageal spasms. Having the feeling go away when you eat makes me think this may be what you're having. Mine went away, but they can be treated with medications. Try your PCP again if he's back from vacation. Susan
   — Susan A.

December 12, 2002
Dear Brandi, Anytime anyone has a lump in their throat it should be taken very seriously. I'm a little annoyed at how your PCP's associate handled this. It's probably what the other poster said...Esophogial Spasms, because you say it comes and goes. But, it may also be a sign (I know this through experience) of something much more serious. Be your own advicate and demand to be seen again. Best wishes, hope this helps.
   — Brooke H.

December 17, 2002
This happened to me after a previous surgery (rotator cuff repair). I finally discovered from one of the doctors that it could be a swollen uglava, (probably spelled wrong, but the little thing hanging down in the back of your throat), either from an allergic reaction to anesthsia OR the breathing tube irritation. Then after my WLS it happened again, but not until a month or so after surgery. I have always been sensitive to lemon. If I have a little lemonade or even a lemon cough drop, I get a sore throat. Well, to make a long story short, I had been drinking lemonade Crystal Lite. I stopped when I realized what may be happening and the "lump" went away. Hopefully you have as simple a problem. It doesn't feel simple at the time. It feels as though something is choking you, so check it out. Good Luck and Happy Holidays to all!
   — Kathy L. H.

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