If you have a fatty liver will it get you a denial for WLS?

I was diagnosed with fatty liver and I'm afraid that it may ruin my approval.    — mea (posted on September 23, 2004)

September 23, 2004
Relax thats NORMAL for MOs, we are fatty everywhere:(
   — bob-haller

September 23, 2004
Yep I agree that is normal. That is what the fasting is supposed to do prior to surgery shrink the liver some.
   — Shell G

September 23, 2004
One of the reason's I was approved was because of my Fatty Liver :)
   — debbiecoyne

September 23, 2004
Michelle, I'm one week post op and was also told I have a fatty liver. My PCP and Gastric Surgeon told me this is common for overweight people. That obesity contributed to the liver growth. I was concerned that the surgery could not be done laproscopic, but it was and everything went fine. I have 6 small 1/2" incisions. Hope this helps.
   — Von W.

September 24, 2004
No, over half the persons I operate on have a fatty and very enlarged liver. There is no proof that a preoperative diet will shrink your liver. Intuitively it makes sense that a smaller liver will make the surgery easier. I personnally don't require preoperative weight loss but know several surgeons that do. The size of the liver can make laparoscopic surgery more difficult and your chances of being coverted to open are higher but this is a separate issue for your surgeon to decide not your insurance company. Good Luck.
   — selwynca

September 27, 2004
Thank you all for posting I feel a lot better now about the situation.
   — mea

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