I have a hard time with liquid loritab, anyone get to take a pill for pain or

something not so hard?    — alicialeew (posted on October 12, 2001)

October 12, 2001
Hi upno leaving hospital... I was givin liquid loritab...that is when I ask the doctor about my hormone.. as I have been on them for 10 years.... He said you can take pills.... 2weeks out I now take 2- caluim tablets-- they are LG.. and I do just fine.
   — Deborah M.

October 12, 2001
I went straight from an iv Morphine PCA pump to pills. First Percocet in the hospital (that I broke in half) and then home on Vicodin pills which at first I broke in half, but they went down whole fine too.
   — Kim M.

October 12, 2001
I was placed on tablet pain medication the day after my RNY and resumed all my previous medications in tablet and capsule form as soon as I was discharged home, 2 days post-op. My surgeon does not use liquid or crushed medications. I had no problems at all. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

October 14, 2001
Careful with some liquids. They have "hidden" syrups. I understand some of them have sugars (hidden ones) and thats why you have a hard time with them. Diabetics can often handle it but bypass cant.
   — Jackiis

July 10, 2002
I had a lap roux-n-y and was on morphine and Torodol in the hospital. Then I went on the liquid vicodin. They gave me a script for it and I stayed on it for about four days. Then I only needed it at night for another few days. Seven to ten days after being home from surgery, I was off pain meds.
   — Thomas M.

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