i am over 3ths post-op and i have only lost43lbs i am scared i will never reach under

i am exercising and taking vitamins although i don't drink enough water or get enough protein.    — debra B. (posted on May 11, 2003)

May 12, 2003
At three months post-op you really should be having very little trouble getting in your proteins and water on a daily basis - even if it means drinking your protein (which I don't like so I worked hard to get it in by food early out). If you're discouraged by your weight-loss - and you shouldn't be as I mentioned in another post to you, then you already know the answer - drink water to flush out the fat and eat more protein. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 12, 2003
You are doing great. That's over 10 lbs a month. Keep your expectations realistic. You don't want to lose it any faster, just think of the flabby skin you'll have!! You need to give your body time to adjust and as hard as it is to not want instant results, you will be glad in the end that it came off slowly. Actually 10 lbs a month is 100 lbs in 10 months!! Try not to be impatient. It will all come off eventually. Drink water, exercise, and limit your carbs. Good Luck!
   — Kay S.

May 12, 2003
Hello, I really dislike post like these. You are doing great. What is wrong with 43 pounds????? You need to be patient! I am over 7 months post op and I am down 60 plus pounds!!! I am frustrated no doubt however, it still is 60 plus pounds! And for that, I am happy!!!!!! How is your self esteem adjusting to the weight loss?
   — train

May 12, 2003
Im guessing you started out a 'lightweight'. You will lose weight somewhat slower than people who were much heavier. Keep the faith and ive it time....Terri
   — cherokey55

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